10 interesting sex facts

10 interesting sex facts

1. The clitoris is the only organ in the body that has no physiological function other than providing pleasure. 2. The nerve impulse for the occurrence of ejaculation comes entirely from the spinal cord, the main does not participate in the process in any way. 3. Male orgasm lasts an average of six seconds, female – 20. 4. In men who write with their right hand, the left testicle is usually located a little lower than the right. With “lefties” it is the opposite. 5. When two people kiss, they exchange between 10 million and 1 billion bacteria. 6. The average vagina is 7.5 – 10 centimeters, but it can stretch up to twice during sexual arousal. 7. Although the vast majority of men brag about their dignity, only 15% of them have a penis over 17 centimeters and only 3% have a penis larger than 20. NEWS_MORE_BOX 8. Contrary to the vast amount of online misinformation, the truth is that the largest penis in the world belongs to a white man – the 42-year-old actor (not porn!) from New York Jonah Falcon. He is the only one who can boast of 24 centimeters in a relaxed state and 34 in an erection. 9. It turns out, surprisingly enough, that after fingers and vibrators, women most often masturbate with… candles… 10. Orgasms lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, breast cancer and depression.

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