10 surprising health benefits of sex

10 surprising health benefits of sex

First part of the material 6. benefit During intercourse, the production of the hormone oxytocin increases. It is not by chance that it is defined as one of the hormones of love. Oxytocin is responsible for feelings of attachment and closeness, Dr. Britton emphasizes. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina conducted a study of 59 premenopausal, postmenopausal, and pre-sex women and found that the more women wanted to cuddle with their partner after intercourse, the higher the level of of oxytocin in their body. Oxytocin is also linked to feelings of generosity, so don’t be surprised if you feel more generous towards your partner after sex. 7. benefit Oxytocin stimulates the release of endorphins. Endorphins have a calming and pain-reducing effect. In the case of headaches, joint pain or premenstrual symptoms, sex can significantly reduce pain precisely thanks to the high levels of endorphins. So, don’t give up caresses even with slight discomfort, experts say. 8. benefit Oxytocin helps with healthy and restful sleep. That is why we fall asleep after sex. Good and sound sleep is a prerequisite for many positive emotions during the day, as well as for maintaining a healthy weight and normal blood pressure. 9. benefitFrequent ejaculation in men, especially around the age of 20 can reduce the risk of prostate cancer as they age, report Australian researchers who published their statement in the British Journal of Urology International. The study did not show a direct relationship between the risk of cancer and sexual activity in men who reached 30, 40 and 50 years. However, researchers found a link between ejaculation frequency and this risk. If men in their twenties ejaculate five or more times a week, they reduce their risk of prostate cancer by 1/3 at a much later age, say scientists. With frequent ejaculation, 21 or more times a month, the risk of prostate cancer is significantly reduced, compared to the cases of 4-7 times achieved ejaculation per month, was mentioned in the Journal of the American Medical Association in an analysis of another study.10. benefit There are women who have very weak pelvic muscles, which is a prerequisite for some health problems. To strengthen the pelvic muscles, it is recommended that ladies practice Kegel exercises. They aim to strengthen pelvic muscles. They are also recommended for women who suffer from incontinence. Kegel exercises are also suggested as a way to change the sensations during sex in women and make it easier to reach orgasm. Women who practice Kegel during sex experience greater pleasure from intercourse and at the same time, reduce the risk from the onset of incontinence with advancing age, is the opinion of sexologists. Don’t you agree?! Sex has proven to be quite beneficial in various health aspects and its benefits extend far beyond the bedroom…

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