10 tips against erectile dysfunction

10 tips against erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction begins to present as a problem in men with age. However, it is not always a consequence of aging. What steps can a man take to enjoy his sex life longer? Here are some tips in this direction… 1. Be careful what you eat Foods that are dangerous for the heart can also compromise erection. Researchers are of the opinion that the products that lead to heart attacks and hardening of the arteries are also the cause of the impaired blood supply to the genital organ. A man’s diet must also include enough fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to avoid high-fat, fried foods and semi-finished products. A New York University study shows that adherence to the Mediterranean diet provides fully satisfactory sexual performance in men, regardless of age. This regimen, in addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, includes whole grain products and polyunsaturated fats. The source of the latter is olive oil and seafood delicacies. A glass of red wine is also allowed. 2. Control your weight Being overweight is linked to a number of health problems, including type 2 diabetes and erectile dysfunction. Every single measure against extra pounds is also a measure to preserve sexual power for longer. NEWS_MORE_BOX 3. Beware of high cholesterol and high blood pressure High cholesterol or high blood pressure damages blood vessels, including those that supply blood to an erection. Monitor their values ​​and take timely measures in case of deviations. Unlike blood pressure, high cholesterol is easier to control. A proper diet and more movement are necessary. This measure can also affect blood pressure values, which also has a detrimental effect on small blood vessels. In case of a more serious problem, a doctor should prescribe the appropriate therapy.

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