3 questions about the penis

3 questions about the penis

1. Can the penis break? Injuries to the male member in most cases occur when he is in a state of erection. There are no bones in the penis, but you can still break it. In the process of breaking, a slight crack or click is usually heard. Later, the penis turns blue, and the pain is extremely strong. Cases of penile fracture are relatively rare. However, to avoid such an incident, experts advise not to use the penis too roughly. The trauma usually occurs when the phallus is inserted forcefully and quickly during intercourse and hits the partner’s pubic bone. It can also happen if during sex the woman moves more violently when she is on top. 2. How common are erections during sleep? It is not unusual for men to wake up with an erection. This is actually the last of the series of nocturnal erections. During a night’s sleep, a man gets an average of between 3 and 5 erections, each lasting 25-35 minutes. Most doctors are of the opinion that nocturnal erections are a sign that everything is in working order. The reason for their appearance is not fully understood. However, studies show that they are closely related to the phase of sleep known as REM sleep – when we dream. NEWS_MORE_BOX 3. Big feet means a big penis – nothing like that The theory that the size of the penis is proportional to the size of the foot and the size of the shoe is pure and simple myth, according to a study by University College London. The scientists measured the penises of 104 men, including teenagers and pensioners. No correlation was found between shoe size and penis length.

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