3 sexually transmitted diseases that can be caught with a kiss

3 sexually transmitted diseases that can be caught with a kiss

Protection is of the utmost importance for any sexually active person, but the truth is that sometimes even they cannot fully protect us. There are sexually transmitted diseases that can be contracted even with complete sexual prevention. That’s because there are some sexually transmitted diseases that can be caught with a kiss. Practicing completely safe sex and catching an STD from a kiss with your partner is really bad luck. However, although rare, such cases are found and scientists are tracking in detail which diseases we can catch in this way. So far, it has been clarified that there are at least 3 such, but it has also been established that some diseases retain their “right” to be transmitted only sexually. Herpes Herpes of the mouth can very easily be transmitted during a kiss through the secreted fluid containing multiple herpes viruses. Modern studies show that herpes simplex virus type 1, which causes cold sores, can also provoke the appearance of genital herpes, which until recently was thought to be triggered only by the sexually transmitted herpes simplex virus type 2. To make matters worse, scientists found that herpes can also be contracted by kissing a carrier of the virus, who currently has no apparent skin problem. Syphilis The first manifestation of syphilis is sores in the intimate area or along the lips, which are often confused with those of herpes. Infection with the causative bacteria is mainly through direct contact and can even happen with a kiss when the partner has a syphilis sore near the mouth. Therefore, such skin manifestations should be approached carefully, especially in people who often change their partners. NEWS_MORE_BOX AIDS The HIV virus, which causes AIDS, is transmitted only through semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk and blood. There is no evidence that it can be transmitted through saliva, but there are documented cases of HIV being transmitted between two people who have even minor bleeding sores in their mouths (canker sores, bleeding gums, etc.). The reassuring thing for anyone who doesn’t want to go to extremes in risk prevention from kissing is that there are also STDs that remain firmly within this range of transmission. Studies show that there is no risk that a kiss will make us sick with serious diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea for example. A small consolation, but an essential one. Further proof that most things in sex are a matter of chance, even with measured and fully preventable risk.

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