3 signs that we have a problem with hormones

3 signs that we have a problem with hormones

Hey there! Let’s talk about hormones – those tiny chemical messengers that basically run the show in our bodies. They’re behind everything from how often we pee to how fast our hair grows. Now, we all know that hormonal ups and downs are par for the course, especially for women dealing with PMS or stress. But sometimes, things can get serious, like with thyroid issues, diabetes, or during pregnancy, and that can really throw everything out of whack.

Ever noticed suddenly feeling backed up or like you’re living in the bathroom? Yeah, that could be your thyroid acting up. If you’re constipated or the opposite, it might be due to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. These conditions mess with your thyroid hormones, which can either slow down or rev up your body’s functions.

And hey, have you ever been told your eyes look bigger or you seem to be staring? That could be a sign of Graves’ disease, the most common form of hyperthyroidism. It’s all about your eyelids getting swollen because of inflammation behind the eye. Crazy, right?

Now, let’s talk hair. If you’ve noticed your locks feeling coarser or thinning out everywhere, including your head, it could be a red flag for hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones play a big role in the hair growth cycle, so any imbalance can mess with that process.

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