37% of women experience orgasm during sleep

37% of women experience orgasm during sleep

Ever wondered what happens in your brain while you’re snoozing? Well, it turns out that for many, dreams aren’t the only thing going on. According to recent research, a significant number of people experience sexual fantasies during sleep, and quite a few even reach the big O!

You’ve probably heard about guys having ‘wet dreams’ during puberty, but did you know that women can experience something similar? Yup, according to American experts, around 37% of women have had an orgasm while they’re catching Z’s by the time they hit 45. And guess what? It’s not just a one-time thing. Women from their teenage years to their 50s can have what they call “nocturnal orgasms,” whether they’re single or in a relationship.

Take Jade, for example, a 24-year-old who admits her brain serves her some steamy dreams during dry spells. She says these nocturnal gifts happen several times a week, sometimes with her lending a hand in her sleep, and sometimes without.

But guys aren’t left out either. A whopping 83% of men have reported having orgasms during sleep, whether or not they’re dreaming. Wet dreams are pretty common during puberty, with around 70% of boys experiencing them. However, the frequency tends to drop after age 30.

Now, for the juicy details. Researchers got insights from interviews with over 11,000 people about their sexual experiences and dreams. They found out that while 70% of women have sexual dreams at some point in their lives, it’s practically 100% for men. About 5% of women say they’ve had their first orgasm during sleep, while for 13% of men, their first ejaculation happened while they were catching some z’s.

All this data comes from the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, shedding some light on what really goes on in our heads when we’re asleep.

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