5 health benefits of sex

5 health benefits of sex

Sex, in addition to being an extremely pleasant activity, also has enormous health benefits. Here are some of them… 1. Sex improves immunity A study conducted by researchers at Wilkes University, Pennsylvania, found that people who regularly had sex had 30% higher levels of the antigen immunoglobulin A, in compared to those who do not practice it often. In this way, the body is protected from colds and flu. 2. Lowers blood pressure There is a definite link between sex and low blood pressure levels. Based on studies conducted, scientists confirm that sexual intercourse, but not masturbation, lowers systolic blood pressure. 3. Improves sleep Endorphins are undoubtedly one of the most important hormones for the body. With their release, “comes” the feeling of happiness, thereby overcoming physical barriers and even improving sleep. During sex, the hormone prolactin is also released – its levels are naturally higher when we sleep. 4. Sex is a mini-workout Scientists from the University of Quebec in Canada found that sexual activity is effective in burning calories compared to moderate-intensity exercise. Experts find that men burn about 4.2 calories in one minute, which is the equivalent of cycling or playing tennis. NEWS_MORE_BOX 5. Sex Makes Us Smarter Does having sex “produce” geniuses or do geniuses like to have sex? This is a hard question. However, it turns out that people who are distinguished by their intelligence have a very high libido. Researchers in Melbourne, Australia, have found that sex improves mental performance and increases the formation of neurons in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that makes long-term memories.

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