5 reasons for a man to grow a beard

5 reasons for a man to grow a beard

A man’s beard is something quite natural, which often becomes a reason for discussion and incites conflicting opinions. Although a beard is sometimes taken as a sign of impurity, the positive aspects it has are not to be ignored. Here’s what they are: A beard protects against skin cancer. It has been proven that 95% of the sun’s UV rays are blocked by facial hair, thus keeping their harmful effects away from the skin. It is beneficial against asthma and allergies. People suffering from asthma know that dust and pollen in the air can cause an exacerbation of their condition. If a man suffers from or is prone to asthma or allergies, facial hair can act as a filter, keeping the irritating particles that would cause the problem away from the nose and mouth. Such a role is played by the hairs in the nose, which can also be successfully supported by the beard. Young for longer with a beard. Here’s a clever men’s secret to keeping a younger look for longer. As the skin under the beard remains “protected” from the harmful effects of external factors, it also remains fresher. In addition, it remains more elastic and has a better appearance because it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Or the paradox here is that even though facial hair makes a man look older, it actually successfully hides wrinkles and that unpleasant sagging of the facial skin that comes with age. NEWS_MORE_BOX In the fight against colds. As absurd as it sounds, the beard, in addition to purifying and helping to maintain body temperature, also warms the air that enters the mouth and nose when breathing. In the cold months, when the danger of colds is the most, the beard can be an aid against them. No infections due to constant shaving. Protects against the unpleasant effects of frequent shaving. With regular shaving, the skin becomes irritated and reddened. As a result, men with more sensitive skin may develop folliculitis or another unpleasant skin condition. In addition, men who prefer clean-shaven skin often complain of ingrown hairs and skin infections. If you want to protect yourself from all these unpleasant conditions, the solution is simple – don’t shave and grow a beard.

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