5 things women notice in a man on a first date

5 things women notice in a man on a first date

First dates are fun, exciting, and sometimes a little awkward. This is your chance to gauge whether the lady you went out with for dinner will hold your interest, or whether you’ll never call her again. However, the same goes for you. Therefore, if a woman likes you, you should try to make an excellent first impression. If you are wondering how you can achieve it, in this article we have selected 5 things that women notice on a first date. See what they are and how you can use them to charm her? 1. The Face One of the first things a woman will notice is your face. This is absolutely natural as conversations involve eye contact most of the time. Also, if up to this point the communication between you has been limited entirely to online communication, she will be interested in studying your facial features. This includes your gaze, your smile, dimples. An important part is also the hair and beard – whether they are well-groomed and clean. All these things, on a subconscious level, give away important information – about your age, about your style, even about the way you feel at the moment. So we advise you to make an effort and take care of your hair, beard and teeth. But also remember to smile and make eye contact to show her that you enjoy her company. 2. The clothes She will most likely pay attention to your physique and clothes. This does not necessarily mean that the lady is shallow and only interested in your appearance. Rather, it is an invariable part of the cognitive process. So you don’t have to dress up in a suit or choose expensive designer outfits. Instead, match your outfit to a meeting place – a park or a nice restaurant. Make sure the clothes fit well, are not wrinkled, and are comfortable. 3. Body odor It turns out that women use different senses to evaluate their potential partner. The sense of smell is no exception. According to one study, unpleasant body odor would turn off 84% of women, and bad breath – 73%. Therefore, on a first date, it is important to choose one of your favorite long-lasting men’s perfumes, which will help you smell captivating. If you are worried or the weather is hot outside, you can also combine it with a suitable anti-perspirant product. However, it is important not to overdo it. In the same study, 59% of women indicated that an overpowering perfume scent was more of a disadvantage than an advantage. As in love, balance is always important. 4. Your table manners In most cases, first dates necessarily involve eating. Whether you’re taking her out for a casual lunch or a fancy dinner, your table manners are another thing she’ll notice. This includes, first of all, the way you eat. Observe the accepted norms, do not eat with a full mouth and no matter how hungry you are, do not rush to eat everything on the plate.Also, if you drink alcohol, it is advisable not to overdo it. Last but not least, the way you treat your service staff can also be indicative of how you treat people in general. So don’t forget to be polite and thank them when they bring your order. 5. Your attitude towards her Last, but not least, she will judge the success of your first date by your attitude towards her. Don’t do anything over the top, but if you like the way she looks or some nice trait in her personality, there’s nothing wrong with sharing it in the form of a compliment. A kind gesture, such as opening a door or giving flowers, will also leave a nice impression. In short, if you like a woman and want to see her again, don’t leave her guessing, show her. These are 5 important things that women notice on a first date. Once you know who they are, you can safely ask a charming lady on a first date and guarantee that there will be a next one.

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