6 complaints that sex cures

6 complaints that sex cures

1. Runny nose Regular sex has shown immunostimulating effects that shorten the duration of illness by 1-2 days. More specifically, after sex, the levels of immunoglobulins of class A increase, which have a protective effect mainly in the mucous membranes – they prevent pathogens from passing from the external environment into the mucous membranes and blood circulation. In this way, sex not only shortens the duration of illness, but also lowers the risk of disease occurrence. 2. Insomnia After sex, large amounts of oxytocin – the “cuddle hormone” – are released into the blood. It has been found to influence neuropsychic processes by stimulating the attachment of the man to his partner and the mother to the child. Also, it creates the sensation of sleepiness by lowering the threshold for sleep onset. Since the release of oxytocin after sex is more intense in women, they enjoy its “hypnotic” effect to a greater extent. 3. Depressive disorders This is one of the best studied and confirmed “indications” of sex. During and especially after sex, substances are produced and released in the body that have a powerful effect on the psyche and emotions. These are primarily oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. The latter create the euphoric feeling during sex and keep the nervous system and mood in a state of excitement – ​​not sexual, but physiological. For nervous tissue, this means electrical excitation, i.e. strengthening of bioelectrical processes in it. This prevents the appearance of the feeling of apathy and depression. 4. Stress and panic disorders Many neuropsychiatric disorders, such as generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc., have largely similar pathogenesis. Moreover, it somewhat overlaps with the pathogenesis of depressive disorders. Generally speaking, it is about a lack and/or imbalance of neurotransmitters in the tissues of the brain, mainly serotonin. Sex largely corrects this deficiency and imbalance by increasing the release of serotonin in the brain, which has immediate neuropsychic manifestations – the feeling of anxiety or depression disappears and is replaced by a feeling of calmness, well-being and confidence. NEWS_MORE_BOX 5. Postmenopausal complaints The underlying cause of most postmenopausal complaints is the lack of estrogens in the female body. The most pleasant way to correct it, at least partially, is precisely by practicing more sex, which stimulates their synthesis and release in the blood. 6. Cramps During orgasm, the uterine muscles contract intensively and cause the release of substances that dull the sensation of pain.

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