8 tips for healthy sex

8 tips for healthy sex

First part of the material Carry out regular preventive examinations Preventive examinations are more than mandatory when leading a sexual life. Their benefit does not disappear even if you have been deprived of sex for a long time. Preventive examination and research can prevent the development of unsuspected infections. It is necessary to know that in some casesq neither the partner nor the sexq are the cause of the occurrence of infection and inflammation. The reproductive organs can also be affected by a decline in the immune system, another infection or disease. Sometimes time is a factor in the detection of a birth defect – for example, when planning a pregnancy in a man or a disease that develops with certain factors over time. Both women and men can be affected in this regard. Examination and tests are also recommended after sex with a new partner. Reddening of the skin in the genitals is not just heightened sensitivity if it appears after contact with the new lover. Early detection of the cause of discomfort prevents the development of infection and disease. In this case, it can also be about a weakened immune system, which leaves the body defenseless against conditionally pathogenic microorganisms transferred during sexual intercourse by the partner. Sometimes the redness or discomfort has a much more harmless nature and can be due to intolerance to the secretions of the other. With time, there should be habituation to each other, but even in this case, consultation is not superfluous. For example, a man may experience discomfort from the too acidic vaginal environment, which should not be a particular concern. Using condoms or lubricant will probably help. And vice versa, the balance of the vaginal environment can be disturbed with more frequent intercourse (daily), since the sexual secretions from the man are alkaline in nature. This changes the environment in the vagina to a more alkaline one and accordingly disrupts the natural local immune defense of the vagina. The woman becomes susceptible to infections. In principle, after sexual contact with a new partner, it is recommended to carry out tests for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, papilloma and HIV. Control yourself When using large amounts of alcohol and drugs, the sense of self-control is lost. At best, sex will be disappointing or a complete failure. At worst, it can lead to events that no one would want to happen to them. In an intoxicated state, you risk harming not only the other person, but also yourself by not assessing the risks to your own health – be it because of unsafe sex or an unwanted pregnancy. Get to know each other They say that we should spend at least a little time on our genitals. Compared to the care we take of our teeth, hair, nails or ears, for example, we neglect our genitals, the parts of the body that give us peak moments of pleasure. Getting to know your body is one of the key moments for fully accepting the other, the pleasure of sex,gives you the opportunity to indulge. Often it is the lack of this knowledge that destroys an otherwise healthy relationship between two people, leads to stress and even depression, lack of self-esteem… Follow health news Be curious about new developments in medicine. You never know if a new herpes treatment won’t turn out to be extremely valuable information for you or your partner or loved one. Did you know that stress is more likely to occur when eating peanuts and almonds? Having such information, for example, you can influence the frequency of appearance of cold sores and indulge in more kisses! This advice is useful for the prevention and prevention of any sexually transmitted disease and more. However, full happiness and love are possible only when we are healthy!

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