8 Tips for Healthy Sex (Part I)

8 Tips for Healthy Sex (Part I)

Don’t do without a condom. A condom is the only means that almost 100% protects against sexually transmitted diseases. Even if the partner seems reliable, faithful, there are no guarantees that bacteria and viruses will not be transmitted during intimate contact with him. Sometimes we ourselves do not know what microorganisms we are carriers of. Reliable protection is required not only to take measures against unwanted pregnancy, but also to prevent the serious consequences of some diseases that can seriously affect: the reproductive system and the desire to have child later, what is the risk of contracting chlamydia, for example, creating a risk factor for the development of an insidious disease, such as being infected with the human papilloma virus, harming the future child at birth, what is the problem with herpes simplex virus of the second type, to burden the immunity – such as is observed when meeting with harmful microorganisms and carrying viruses … the danger of contracting HIV is needless to point out, every self-respecting person should develop a commitment to himself and avoid risky situations for infection. In order to have safe sex with a condom, the condition is that it is used correctly. Therefore, a certain experience is needed – finding the right size, comfortable model, mastering the technique for placing it and getting into the habit of using it. The condom should neither be large, because it will “sag” during intercourse, nor narrow, because the man will feel discomfort, and there is a danger of bursting… However, you should take into account that there are some diseases that can be passed on to the partner despite the condom. Transmission can be done through saliva, touching infected skin, including the skin on the genitals (labia, testicles, groin), oral sex… When the relationship is stable, long-lasting and the partners trust each other, then from one moment the use of a condom can to drop out. If the aim is only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, in this case the woman can choose the option with hormonal contraceptives under the pretext of more intimate contact, but… Use lubricants Lubricant is a means that prevents the occurrence of unpleasant friction during sexual intercourse. This usually occurs with a complaint of vaginal dryness. Thanks to the lubricant, however, you get a stronger experience of pleasure, prolonged enjoyment, so that its use makes sense. Lubricant is a suitable agent when using a condom – again avoiding the possibility of friction and difficult penetration. Modern lubricants are different from oils, for example, which can also be used in the absence of sufficient secretions of arousal – however, oils are not always suitable when combined with a condom, can affect its strength. Lubricants also contain substances that have bactericidal properties and prevent infection with harmful microorganisms when they are present in small quantities.Be healthy inquiring To be sure of your partner, it is necessary, however unkind it may seem, to ask him/her about his/her sexual habits, life and “history”. Is he/she in the habit of using condoms or has he/she risked even once unsafe sex, has he/she or his/her partner contracted a sexually transmitted disease, has he/she noticed strange genital areas, redness and changes in the skin on the groin, has he/she had many partners or an ex-partner… This information is really relevant to the health of both of you and there should be no problem about sharing it when done by both parties, calm, mature, with a clear goal – to protect each other. A very common condition for people who love each other or enjoy the pleasure of sex together. Talk while making love. It is not a concern during sexual play to share that a certain movement or position gives pleasure or vice versa, they make you feel uncomfortable, they are not pleasant or painful to you. Sex should really be the most intimate communication by sharing similar personal characteristics in finding the best way and ways to please each other. During intercourse, you can ask yourself whether an action is actually giving you pleasure. Naturally, a commanding style is inappropriate in bed, as well as constant chatter and discussion of weekday problems and other inappropriate topics…In case you are not feeling well, this should also be shared. It is not intended to push the partner away at all for the night, because a close hug and caress can relieve and give rise to desire, despite the initial adjustment, fatigue or even a headache… Second part of the materialDuring intercourse, you can ask yourself whether an action is actually giving you pleasure. Naturally, a commanding style is inappropriate in bed, as well as constant chatter and discussion of weekday problems and other inappropriate topics…In case you are not feeling well, this should also be shared. It is not intended to repel the partner at all for the night, because a close hug and caress can relieve and give rise to desire, despite the initial adjustment, fatigue or even a headache… Second part of the materialDuring intercourse, you can ask yourself whether an action is actually giving you pleasure. Naturally, a commanding style is inappropriate in bed, as well as constant chatter and discussion of weekday problems and other inappropriate topics…In case you are not feeling well, this should also be shared. It is not intended to repel the partner at all for the night, because a close hug and caress can relieve and give rise to desire, despite the initial adjustment, fatigue or even a headache… Second part of the material

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