9 Remedies for Greater Femininity During Menopause

9 Remedies for Greater Femininity During Menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process, not a disease. Although associated with hormonal, physical and psychosocial changes, it is not the end of a woman’s vitality or sexuality. Some herbs or nutritional supplements can help to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Black Cohosh The roots of black cohosh contain triterpene compounds, phytohormones and organic acids. Phytoestrogens and progestin-like substances found in the plant have a positive effect on the hormonal balance of women. The extract is recommended for menstrual pains and against some symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal atrophy. Not recommended for pregnant women and women, liver problems. Flaxseed Flaxseed and linseed oil can help with mild symptoms of menopause. It is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, lignans, dietary fiber and vitamins. The use of flaxseed reduces hot flashes by up to 35% and night sweats by 44%, according to a scientific study. Flaxseed oil or lignans are not recommended during pregnancy. CalciumDuring menopause, the level of female hormones drops sharply, which can lead to a decrease in bone strength. In these cases, the additional supply of calcium is extremely important. Women under the age of 51 should take 1000 mg of calcium per day, then 1200 mg per day. The necessary amount can be obtained with foods rich in calcium. Red clover Red clover is a perennial herb that can be used to improve the properties of female sex hormones, to prevent hot flashes and the increase in blood pressure in premenopause and menopause. The action of the herb’s ability to stimulate natural estrogen production has not yet been fully proven. Taking red clover is not recommended for those suffering from estrogen-positive breast or uterine cancer. Vitamin D Like calcium, vitamin D is extremely important for the strength of the bone system. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and absorb it from the bones. Vitamin D is synthesized by the skin when exposed to sunlight. 10-15 minutes in the sun are enough for the body to acquire the required amount. Wild yam Wild yam is used for alternative hormone treatment in menopause. The natural ingredients in this type of sweet potato exhibit properties similar to the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Biologically active supplements containing Wild Yam reduce many of the pathological symptoms during the menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness. Ginseng A number of studies prove that different types of ginseng can improve the quality of life during menopause. Ginseng is used to increase good mood and improve sleep quality. It’s not yet entirely clear whether American or Korean ginseng helps more with menopausal hot flashes.DHHEADHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) or the “energy hormone” is secreted by the adrenal glands. It is a representative of steroid hormones, and its main building block is cholesterol. After the age of 30, natural levels of the DHEA hormone significantly decrease. Dietary supplements or medications containing this hormone can reduce symptoms such as low libido and hot flashes during menopause. Some research suggests that long-term intake and high doses of the energy hormone may increase the risk of breast cancer. Dong QuaiDong Quai is an herb used in Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. The herb supports the movement of oxygen in the blood and supports the health of the female genital organs. The use of Dong Quai calms the nervous system and improves concentration and self-esteem in menopausal women. Helps with stress and mental problems. Let’s not forget that a consultation with a personal physician is recommended before starting to take a supplement to relieve menopause. Supplements can hide various side effects that can negatively affect the body, especially in certain health conditions.

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