9 tips for exciting sex again

9 tips for exciting sex again

Sex has become boring. Or it doesn’t bring the satisfaction you desire. So the time has come to introduce refreshment to the bed. Changing the partner is unlikely to bring the desired effect, or at least it is not certain, although some resort to this solution. (It will be interesting to see what the result of a survey among them will be whether they found what they wanted on the run.) The question is how to experience the thrill again with our partner… The desire to experiment is usually rewarded. Variety and the search for new ways to achieve pleasure fills you with passion and the desire to meet your partner more often in satin… We offer you 9 refreshing ideas for diversifying the routine in bed. Add to them something of your own. There’s no way this cocktail won’t deliver. 1. Play “expectation” You know the saying that forbidden things, or those to which we are restricted, are the sweetest. For a certain period of time – a week is enough – promise to abstain from sex. Reject the partner. Suggestions will always be found. It is good during this time not to reach for orgasm in any other way. During this period, try to turn back the time when you first met your loved one’s eyes, first touched lips, caressed sides. A kiss on the neck is the end point that is sufficient as intimate contact. Holding hands is not a habit that gets old. On the contrary, the warmth of the hands creates an intimacy that cannot be achieved with sex. Next, touch your bodies. Discover new areas of sensitivity, but avoid coitus and orgasm. You can only afford one at the end of the week no matter how you chose to achieve it or how it turned out. A week of abstinence generally has the effect of awakening our senses, and heightened sensitivity can only enhance the sensations during intercourse. 2. Massage Massage is one of the most sexually stimulating means. As part of the game, start it off slowly, resting every now and then for a bit while maintaining skin-to-skin contact between bodies. Sometimes even the simplest massage works wonders as it reduces the tension of the day. It shows the partner – “I see that you are tired and I understand you.” Such closeness between two people can only be envied. Not every time the other wants the massage to end with sex. That’s why it’s good to talk and back off if your partner’s libido is currently depressed. Everyone has moments like that. NEWS_MORE_BOX 3. Awaken the senses Good sex is not just about touch, it is the result of a system of events and complementary sensations. Dimmed light, favorite aroma, pleasant melody… Awaken the feelings with strawberries. Since when have you not fed each other? And why not bring breakfast and foreplay together?! 4. The whisper… One of the most intimate acts between two people is whispering ear to ear… To feel the slight tickle in the ear, the breath of the loved one. No,it is not said that it must be used in foreplay, it is part of our communication with our partner during the day. An unexpected naughty conversation on the phone has a similar effect. It certainly charges and holds, even its effect escalates, until the evening, when physical contact after the working day with the loved one will be possible. Text messages also help, but not as much, and it takes a bit longer to warm up through them…

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