9 ways to boost your libido

9 ways to boost your libido

Decreased sexual desire, reluctance to have intimate contact, lack of mood and self-confidence are indications of decreased libido. Many are affected by this problem at some point in their lives. In some cases it may be due to medical reasons, in others the problem is psychological. There are various options to increase libido and return to normal sexual behavior in a natural way. See who they are, according to specialist Catherine Hood, a lecturer at the University of Oxford in England. Careful with alcohol A drink can reduce anxiety and stress and improve the mood for sex. But be careful, alcohol is also a depressant. Its overconsumption can provoke an unwanted effect. Aphrodisiacs In the past, various tonic substances, now known as aphrodisiacs, were used to increase libido. Among the most famous are asparagus – rich in vitamins A and E, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. With oysters, we can increase the sexual appetite. The delicacy contains antioxidants and trace elements necessary for good sexual functioning. They are rich in zinc, an important mineral for fertility. Bananas help increase energy, contain the enzyme bromelain, which improves male libido. A favorite food of millions, chocolate is also on the list of the best aphrodisiacs. It has been proven that after consuming the treat, the levels of endorphin, known as the hormone of happiness, increase dramatically. Other aphrodisiacs are avocados, figs, cabbage, celery, pumpkin seeds, some types of algae, garlic, etc. Of course, let’s not forget the strawberries. No cigarettes It is a well-known fact that smoking can have a negative effect on blood flow to the genitals by provoking the narrowing of blood vessels. In addition, cigarettes reduce energy and stamina. And if you have a non-smoking boyfriend, the unpleasant smell of cigarettes can turn him off and reduce the desire for sex. Keep fit Regular exercise will help improve blood flow to the genitals. In addition, physical activity, in addition to increasing energy and general health, helps maintain a normal body weight. Anything that improves self-esteem will also improve libido. Losing weight Being overweight can not only affect self-esteem and sexuality, but also puts you at risk of blood vessel disease, which can significantly reduce blood flow to the genitals. Consume the right products If your body weakens due to ill health, and the frequency and quality of sex will suffer. Therefore, experts recommend that we consume about 5-9 fruits and vegetables per day. The vitamins and antioxidants contained in the products will maintain good blood flow to the genitals.MassageMassage techniques can do wonders for sexual arousal. Prepare the bedroom with the right lighting and music, and start with a back massage. You won’t go wrongif you make such a surprise to your loved one.YohimbineYohimbine has long been used by Africans as an aphrodisiac, often called “natural Viagra”. It is considered a suitable remedy for male impotence, although clinical trials have so far been disappointing. However, there is strong evidence that it has a beneficial effect on women. Ginkgo Biloba Research shows that the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree help improve blood flow to the brain and genitals. It is believed to have a positive effect in increasing sexual desire, arousal and orgasm.

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