4 ways to deal with fluid retention

4 ways to deal with fluid retention

Salt consumption Salt is the number one cause of fluid retention in the body. When our diet includes the consumption of more salt, even though it is found that we only need 4 to 6 g per day, water accumulates in the tissues. Those tissues in which the concentration of salt is high attract water and retain it, which prevents its elimination. Then our body begins to swell, edema develops and body weight increases. Natural remedies Natural remedies against fluid retention are an effective remedy that we can use in everyday life. Some plants, whether in homeopathic or infusion form, have a proven effect against fluid retention in the body. These plants act on the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. They make it possible to eliminate excess water in the body by stimulating blood microcirculation: excess water contained in the tissues is then “rejected” from the blood and can be eliminated. Which plants are suitable? Plants that act against water retention and that stimulate the liver, kidneys or liver circulatory system are: Green tea; A golden rod; Guharche; Red vine; Orthosiphon; Pilosel. These plants can easily be found in health food stores, pharmacies or drugstores. Food intolerance or hormonal imbalance? Sometimes water retention depends on more specific problems: Food intolerance It is not always easy to diagnose, but food intolerance to gluten or lactose, for example, can be the cause of water retention. The body does not produce the enzymes necessary for the proper digestion of the respective food, which leads to unpleasant digestive disorders. To find out if the cause of fluid retention is an intolerance to a certain food, it is recommended to exclude it from the diet for two weeks and observe the results. Water Retention and Hormonal Changes It is estimated that 95% of women are affected by water retention, which can also be hormonal in origin. Due to changes in hormones, some women notice water retention in the breasts and stomach during the premenstrual period. This type of water retention, which can cause discomfort, is only temporary. References: https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Actualites/Dossiers/DossierComplexe.aspx?doc=remedes_anti_retention_d_eau_page_4_do

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