Sex during pregnancy – what cases require its restriction?

Sex during pregnancy – what cases require its restriction?

Pregnancy is a period of a woman’s life, during which many changes occur in the mother’s organism, in the physical and emotional state of the woman. When the pregnancy proceeds normally and without complications, continuing, but with attention to usual hobbies and activities, is not contraindicated, even desirable. However, what about sex during pregnancy? Sex during pregnancy without complications is not prohibited, and on the contrary – sexual contacts help the pregnant woman to improve her mood and to adapt more smoothly to the changes that occur both in her appearance and on an emotional level. There is a different frequency of sexual contacts during the three trimesters of pregnancy, as well as a difference in desire among pregnant women. Some pregnant women report an increase in libido, while for others pregnancy is a period of decreased sexual desire. The increased sexual desire during pregnancy can generally be explained by the increased levels of estrogens and progesterone during this period, as well as the increased blood flow in the genital area, which in turn leads to much stronger sexual experiences. On the other hand, a decrease in libido can be observed in women who experience the most common ailments during the first trimester of pregnancy – constant nausea, vomiting, general malaise and lack of strength, increased sleepiness, heartburn, etc. Unpleasant symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy are one of the reasons for reduced sexual activity among women. Another reason can be the fear of miscarriage of pregnant women during this “risky” period. In the absence of accompanying complications, sexual contacts cannot lead to spontaneous abortion, and pregnancy is not a reason for their restriction. The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a major increase in sexual desire among women. The reason for this is the passing of the unpleasant symptoms of the first trimester, increasing energy levels, not so big belly and lack of weight. Human chorionic gonadotropin levels begin to decrease and estrogen and progesterone levels increase, contributing to increased libido, stronger orgasms, and increased sensitivity. The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a decrease in libido again. This is due to increasing weight and associated symptoms of lower back pain, swelling, easy fatigue, lack of quality sleep, increasing shortness of breath, reflux, etc. According to some doctors, sex in the last months of pregnancy can be the cause of labor induction due to the prostaglandins contained in the seminal fluid. For this reason, during transmission, many gynecologists recommend frequent sexual contact. In addition to the ban on the part of the obstetrician-gynecologist, the reason for the lack of sexual contact during pregnancy can also be the partner’s fear of having such contact. Many fathers thinkthat sex can harm the fetus in some way and they avoid practicing it. In reality, the fetus is completely protected in the uterine cavity by the amniotic membranes and amniotic fluid. What cases require the restriction of sexual contacts? In some cases of complicated pregnancy, sex is contraindicated. One of the most common reasons for this is bleeding and threatened abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy – any bleeding is an alarming symptom to seek medical help, clarify the cause and carry out the necessary therapy. Other reasons for prohibiting sex during pregnancy are the shortening of the cervix, early painful contractions, low-lying placenta, history of previous premature births. Which positions are best for sex during pregnancy? During the first trimester of pregnancy, the positions are not of such importance, since the belly has not yet grown and does not cause discomfort. During the second and third trimesters, it is recommended to choose such positions that do not press the enlarged belly. It is recommended that sex during this period be more gentle and relaxed, and the use of a condom is recommended, as it reduces the possibility of developing infections. Sex during a normal pregnancy is not forbidden and is not a taboo subject. For this reason, it is essential to reach reliable information to patients, which will debunk many of the myths for and against sexual contact during pregnancy. Sources:

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