How to protect against genital tract infections in summer?

How to protect against genital tract infections in summer?

Summer is a season of the year during which there is an increased frequency of vaginal infections and urinary tract infections, the most common during this period being fungal infections, vaginitis, urethritis, cystitis, and the frequency of sexually transmitted diseases also increases . The reason for this jump is the high temperature and humid weather, which are a prerequisite for the development of infection, as well as incorrect practices during this period and the more relaxed behavior of most vacationers. The female genital system has protective mechanisms against inflammatory diseases, which can be divided into two groups: anatomical and biological. Anatomical defense mechanisms include the labia minora and labia majora, which close the entrance to the vagina, as well as the narrow cervical canal. These structures reduce the risk of entry of exogenous infectious agents. In addition to anatomical, the female reproductive system also has biological defense mechanisms. The most important of these is the pH of the environment, which is alkaline in the vaginal vestibule, acidic in the vagina, and alkaline again in the cervical canal. The acidic environment in the vagina is provided by Döderlein’s lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid and prevent the development of pathogenic flora in the vagina. The vagina is, of course, also inhabited by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which under certain conditions, e.g. alkalinization of the environment, increase their population and lead to the development of infection. During the summer season, humidity and high temperatures create a favorable environment for the development of some infections. For this reason, observing certain rules during the summer vacation is of fundamental importance for a woman’s reproductive health: 1. Do not stay for a long time in a wet swimsuit or wet clothes – it is recommended to use swimsuits made of quick-drying materials or to change more often the bathing suits. Wearing wet bathing suits increases the risk of developing fungal infections, the most common of which is Candida albicans. The condition is quite unpleasant and is manifested by a white discharge similar to curdled milk, itching and redness in the vulva area, burning and pain during urination, unpleasant odor, etc. 2. Do not use vaginal douches – the female genital tract has its own protective mechanisms and daily washing with water and a cleaning product with an appropriate pH is sufficient to maintain good personal hygiene. The use of vaginal douches leads to a disturbance of the acidic environment in the vagina and is one of the prerequisites for the development of vaginal infections, the most common of which is bacterial vaginosis. 3. Use cotton underwear – cotton is a breathable material and prevents moisture retention during this period and the development of a fungal infection. Wear loose clothing and avoid synthetic fabrics. 4. Use appropriate products for intimate hygiene,which do not contain perfume substances and contribute to the maintenance of an acidic environment in the vagina. 5. Remove hair in the intimate area carefully and with the method most suitable for you – shaving the intimate area is not recommended, especially before the sea or the pool, as inflammation can occur, which is a gateway for pathogenic microorganisms. 6. Use condoms during intercourse – summer is a season during which many people indulge in a freer lifestyle, which increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. The maximum limitation of the number of sexual partners, the avoidance of casual sexual contacts and the use of condoms during sexual intercourse are the main methods for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Generally, symptoms of a genital tract infection include redness, warmth, swelling, pain, and dysfunction. Patients complain of a change in the nature of the vaginal discharge, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, pain and burning during urination, pain during intercourse, general malaise, fatigue, increased body temperature, etc. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture, gynecological examination, colposcopy and microbiology of material from the genital tract. If an infection is detected, the corresponding appropriate treatment is prescribed.

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