Beauty and libido after 50

Beauty and libido after 50

So, how are beauty and libido affected in men and women after turning 50. Continuation of Changes that occur in our bodies after 50, part two | 9. Naturally, as our body ages, so does our skin. After reaching 50, the skin has lost its elasticity, cellulite becomes even stronger, which is due to reduced collagen. The production of collagen depends on the female sex hormones – estrogens. A way to stop this process is to take collagen. In addition to food supplements, it can be provided through food – bone broth is suitable. Collagen powder can be added to smoothies, smoothies and other preferred beverages. In addition to the elasticity of the skin, there are changes related to the appearance of the hair and nails. After 50, people often complain of dry hair and brittle nails, whose growth is slower than before. Calcium intake can go some way to reducing these unwanted effects of advancing age. 10. After menopause, women’s libido changes. To deal with this problem, ladies need a little more testosterone and growth hormone and less cortisol – we can also directly say, to avoid more stress. According to the experts, it is good to already spend enough time on sleep, as well as to stop certain types of training such as those for endurance. It is much more suitable for postmenopausal ladies to do strength training twice a week and short intervals once or twice in the same period. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of alcohol and sugar, which should have a favorable effect on the desire for sex. 11. After 50, not only female beauty is affected, but also that of men. From this age, the level of testosterone in the male body begins to decrease, which is also associated with some aesthetic changes. Because of this, the man gains weight, unfortunately losing muscle mass and accumulating more fat. Maintaining muscle becomes even more difficult and demanding than before. According to experts, a healthy lifestyle can help men to stay young longer. First, diseases such as obesity and diabetes, whose prevention is still possible and largely depends on actions and responsibility towards one’s own health, should not be allowed. At the doctor’s discretion, hormone replacement therapy may also be prescribed for testosterone below the norm. However, the decrease in libido may not be due to androgen deficiency, but may be psychologically based, including experiencing stress, depression, anxiety. In this case, therapy can help, whether only psychotherapy, whether medication or a combination, depends on the degree of complexity. Relationship problems should not be overlooked either. In the case of alienation or other types of problems, it does not hurt to experiment with at least a consultation with a family therapist, who could give fresh suggestions for overcoming the crisis.

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