Sexual problems and bladder problems – an expression of diabetes?

Sexual problems and bladder problems – an expression of diabetes?

Sexual problems and bladder problems are common as we age, but having diabetes can make the complaints worse. Blood vessels and nerves can be damaged by the effects of high blood sugar. Keeping blood sugar within optimal limits is essential to prevent damage to blood vessels and nerves. Could sexual problems and bladder problems be symptoms of diabetes? Yes. Changes in sexual function and complaints from the excretory system can be a sign of diabetes. Nerve damage, also called diabetic neuropathy, can damage parts of your body. For example, many studies prove that men with diabetes can develop erectile dysfunction 10 to 15 years earlier than men without diabetes. When should you seek medical attention? In the event of symptoms from the excretory system or intimate problems, it is recommended to talk to a doctor. These problems may be a sign that you need to control your diabetes differently or with different medications. It may be uncomfortable and difficult for you to talk about these things. However, remember that health professionals are trained to talk about any type of health problem. Everyone deserves to have healthy relationships and enjoy the activities they love. Who is more likely to be affected? This type of complication is more likely to occur if you have diabetes and: Your blood sugar is not well controlled; You have a condition called diabetic polyneuropathy; You have high blood pressure; You have untreated high cholesterol; Overweight and obesity, as well as insufficient physical activity. What sexual problems can men with diabetes have? Changes in blood vessels, nerves, hormones, and emotional health during diabetes can make it difficult to get pleasure during intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is a problem that occurs in more than half of diabetics. Men who have poorly controlled blood sugar are 3 times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than men without diabetes. Good control of your chronic disease can help prevent and treat erectile dysfunction caused by diabetic neuropathy and circulation problems. Another complication can be penile curvature. Men with diabetes are more likely to have Peyronie’s disease. This is the presence of penile scars or plaques that cause it to bend during erection. This distortion can make intercourse painful or even impossible. Some men with Peyronie’s disease may have erectile dysfunction. A man’s testosterone levels naturally decline with age. However, lower than normal testosterone levels can be the cause of erectile dysfunction in some men or explain why some men often feel tired, depressed or have no desire for sex.Men with diabetes, especially those who are older and overweight, are more likely to have low testosterone levels. Some studies show that men with diabetes can have problems with their sperm, making it difficult to conceive. They may move more slowly or be unable to fertilize the egg. Working closely with your partner and healthcare professional helps with this problem.

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