Intimate health in menopausal women: What are the new methods to deal with unpleasant symptoms?

Intimate health in menopausal women: What are the new methods to deal with unpleasant symptoms?

Intimate health can refer to a number of different aspects of a woman’s reproductive and sexual health. The term can be used to refer to a number of different conditions that affect the female genitalia and reproductive organs. However, when we talk about a woman’s intimate health, we mean the problems that make it difficult for a woman to enjoy intercourse. According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, about one-third of young and middle-aged women have a sexual health problem, and the percentage is much higher among older women. In women, sexual changes are often part of aging and menopause. A common problem is vaginal dryness. It often occurs due to a decrease in estrogen, which is associated with menopause processes. Certain medications can also cause vaginal dryness. Dryness can lead to discomfort and, accordingly, painful intercourse. Relaxation of the walls of the vagina can be observed after vaginal birth, but it can also be associated with menopause or aging. This ease and relaxation can be the cause of loss of sensation during intercourse. A noticeable drop in sexual desire can be caused by physical factors such as hormonal imbalance or vaginal discomfort. Other problems associated with menopause (such as fatigue, insomnia, mood swings) can also contribute to a decreased libido. There are several ways to improve the state of intimate health and minimize subjective complaints. Given the condition of the woman and her complaints, as well as individual judgment, treatment with hormone therapy or non-invasive therapeutic procedures may be provided. Hormone treatment Hormone replacement therapy can be effective in managing many symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. It is also a commonly recommended treatment for sexual health problems such as low libido and vaginal dryness. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy using pellets is often more effective than other forms of hormone therapy. This is because the pellets deliver consistent, healthy levels over an extended period of time. However, not all women are suitable candidates for hormone treatment. Other non-hormonal treatments are available that have a beneficial effect on intimate health. Mona Lisa Touch is a laser treatment that stimulates a healing response in the vaginal tissue. The treatment stimulates the development of collagen in the tissue, which helps with problems such as vaginal dryness, which causes pain during intercourse. It can also help with vaginal tightening and improve sensation. The device has a probe with a specialized laser that is inserted into the vaginal canal. Laser energy is directed at the vaginal tissue to promote collagen production and mucosal revitalization. Treatment usually consists of three procedures performed within 12 weeks.Many women notice results after the first procedure. Geneveve is a treatment that helps relax the vaginal walls by generating collagen through heat therapy. This treatment has been developed and tested specifically for the sensitive and delicate tissue in the vagina. The method works by using deep heating energy combined with surface cooling to numb the tissue and stimulate collagen formation. This procedure is non-invasive and painless and takes 30 minutes. Improvements are seen as early as 30 days of treatment, and full results are noticeable after about 90 days.

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