Bartholinitis – often the causative agents are sexually transmitted infections

Bartholinitis – often the causative agents are sexually transmitted infections

Have you ever had a rapidly growing, spherical, painful lump in your genital area that makes sitting impossible and movement difficult? The swelling can reach the size of a woman’s fist. Initially, it is mobile, with a dense consistency, and later with the soft one. The pain is getting stronger, the skin in the area of ​​the swelling is swollen, red. There is fatigue, chills, a slightly elevated body temperature, even, you don’t feel well. You are uncomfortable, but you need a gynecological examination, because most likely it is bartholinitis – inflammation of the Bartholin’s gland (unilateral localization of the process is more common than bilateral). The condition may also be described to you as an inflamed Bartholin’s gland cyst. Bartholin’s glands are located deep in the musculature of the perineum, in the area of ​​the lower third of (behind) the labia majora. However, their connection with the entrance to the vagina through the drainage channels makes them accessible to a variety of infectious agents that penetrate, an inflammatory process occurs and an abscess is formed. Most often these are: gonococci, streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, genital mycoplasmas, fungal infections are not excluded as possible causes, as well as other microorganisms. Bartholinitis can be acute, subacute and chronic. The main function of the Bartholin’s glands is that they secrete a secretion that maintains the moisture of the vagina and is related to the maintenance of an unobstructed sexual act. Therefore, it is important to preserve the function of this gland. The treatment is surgical, of course, with mandatory antibiotics, compresses and washes. If operative treatment is delayed for several days, the abscess (swelling) may spontaneously break through, usually towards the opening of the vagina. The discharged pus, usually with an unpleasant smell and in a rather large amount, is yellowish in color with impurities of blood and necrotic substances. Although the general condition improves, the temperature drops and severe pains disappear – this is not the final solution, because due to the incomplete outflow of purulent matter, the inflammatory process recurs. The treatment should not worry you, it is quick and easy and subsequent drainage of the secretion from the gland. It is called marsupialization of Bartholin’s gland. A drain is left for 3-4 days and washings are done. In case of frequent recurrences and complications, removal of the gland along with its drainage channel is necessary. Why does this inflammation occur and how can we protect ourselves? Often the causative agents of the disease are sexually transmitted infections. Be careful! Do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene. One of the reasons may be a weakening of the body’s defenses (treatment with antibiotics, hypothermia, chronic stress, vitamin deficiency). Bartholinitis occurred as a result of an attack of microorganisms (the cause is not just one). However, not all women suffering from gonorrhea or, for example, trichomoniasis, get bartholinitis.Weakened immunity can “help” to get it. The presence of chronic foci of infection that can reach the Bartholin’s glands through the blood or by proximity (for example, inflammation of the urethra or vagina – urethritis, vaginitis, when the infection easily penetrates the excretory duct of the gland). Do not miss preventive gynecological examinations! Do not postpone them if symptoms of inflammation are present! Wearing narrow and tight underwear (compresses the excretory duct of the gland, due to which the secretion concentrates in the cavity of the gland and an inflammatory process develops). Microtrauma in the genital area (for example, during depilation). Distinguish between bartholinitis and furuncle (boil), which is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding tissue. There is no specific place of appearance. It feels like a “ball”, but far less painful and smaller in size than an inflamed Bartholin’s cyst. Also, the boil is unlikely to bother you when sitting, walking and will cause a change in your general condition. Some gynecological interventions or operations on the urinary tract can lead to an inflammatory process in the neighborhood. Bartholinitis will not go away on its own. Do not delay and do not try self-treatment at home!

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