How to beat herpes?

How to beat herpes?

Controlling stress in the presence of genital herpes is crucial against relapses of the infection. Unfortunately, once acquired, the infection remains in the body until it is provoked again. Most often, this is due to a drop in immunity, strong stress, chronic stress, illness, but it can also happen from improper unbalanced nutrition and excessive exposure to sunlight. Herpes, regardless of whether it is labial or genital, lasts as long as a runny nose and, alas, even more definitively than that with or without a cure, lasts for nearly a week. Medicines relieve only the symptoms, and it makes sense for secondary infection to be applied only locally, and their effect is higher when they are used with the appearance of the first signs of a new relapse. Thus, the chances of interrupting the infection without reaching full symptomatology are high. Regarding genital herpes, there are also some additional factors that should be taken into account – for example, underwear should be made of natural material and it is good to avoid clothing that could create friction. What else is recommended to reduce the risk of another relapse? First you need to learn to rest and balance your work-sleep regime. Try to sleep for eight hours a day, at night, so that all immune processes are restarted and the body starts to function normally. Balance your diet. Cut out processed foods. The menu should not be dominated by pasta products. Limit sugar. Aim to eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables. It is believed that caffeine and alcohol can also trigger the herpes virus. A way to deal with stress is sport. With regular motor activity, we actually do not allow the formation of tension and the experience of stress. Especially since movement keeps our own cells and systems healthy and functioning. When we are under stress, we tend to isolate ourselves, but the truth is that is when we need to seek out others for our own survival, if only emotionally. Sometimes ten minutes with a nice person is enough to unload and feel better. Take breaks – we are completely immersed in some kind of high-speed “multitasking” where, however, a machine would overheat. Literally switch off. Five minutes of meditation, doing yoga, listening to music, make us more resistant to disease as well. Be careful with sex. Indeed, how can you not be careful?! But now you have to think more about yourself, the rest is a matter of condom and communication. Do not allow rough sex, it is, alas, not suitable for people suffering from herpes. Preparation, attitude is also an important part of the game. Take all necessary measures to prevent dry intercourse. You can use water-based lubricants, those nonoxynol-9 are not suitable as they irritate the vaginal mucosa. Fat-based ones, which weaken condoms, are also not suitable. It is more than clearthat when herpes appears, sex is not desirable. Keep in mind that hormonal changes also affect the herpes virus. Very often, the resiziva in women appears in relation to the menstrual cycle. It is also possible to get one with hormone therapy. Anything that can weaken the immune system is also your enemy. Alas, such a decline can also occur with necessary surgery and treatment. At least be prepared and make an effort to support your body in advance.

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