What makes men fake an orgasm?

What makes men fake an orgasm?

Mimicking an orgasm traditionally and due to purely physiological features is primarily associated with the female sex. However, it turns out that it is not only in the nature of women that the tendency to imitate the ultimate pleasure of sex is embedded. A large number of men also tend to do so in some cases with entirely noble motives. A survey of experts with decades of experience in the field of men’s sexual and reproductive health proves that orgasm mimicry among men is a more common phenomenon than previously thought. According to their data, at least 31% of sexually active men have experienced a false orgasm at least once in their lives. The reasons for men to fake an orgasm are not significantly different from those of women. It is important for every man to make his partner feel confident in his skills in bed, and even in cases where one or the other female partner cannot reach orgasm, they try to give her that confidence. This is as much a well-deserved reward for a woman’s sexual efforts as it is a gentlemanly act in some cases. For example, in cases where a woman reaches orgasm earlier, many men would look for a way to synchronize their orgasm with hers, and often the only way to do this is by slightly distorting the truth. Well, in some cases faking an orgasm can also be a way for a man to cover up his sexual problems or disturbances. In premature ejaculation, for example, the false orgasm can serve as a means of hastening the end of sexual intercourse, without the need to reveal the real reasons for it. NEWS_MORE_BOX According to experts, there is no reason why either partner’s faking orgasm should impair the quality of their sexual intercourse if the other partner has also experienced full sexual contact. They remind us that sex is a journey, the quality of which depends more on the journey than on the destination. Simulated or not, if it enhances the journey, orgasm can only enhance the pleasure of sex. Because, again according to the experts, imitating an orgasm when needed can help partners over time to adapt their sexual approach to the needs of the other and both of them begin to achieve a real and full orgasm much more easily.

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