10 signs of a satisfying sex life

10 signs of a satisfying sex life

You’ve probably heard a specific comment because of the more reserved nature of one or another person… They don’t give him or her enough attention in bed… Well, isn’t it nicer to look at a person who exudes sexual confidence. And what exactly does it consist of… Is charisma the quality by which we know that someone leads a satisfactory sex life. This is not measured in: how many times a week or day we have sex and how many partners satisfy our needs. Here are a few signs identified by researchers in the journal PLOS One that can guide us perfectly. After all, we will welcome the New Year, new acquaintances await us, and there are relationships waiting to be strengthened, right?! 1. Consider whether it is not so – those who feel satisfied in bed and regularly resort to this method of maintaining happiness and standard of living rarely experience disturbances about their bodies. The truth is, it’s not the perfectly sculpted figure, biceps, or luscious bust that makes good sex, right? And this is proven by a study by the University of Texas, which concluded that those women who have the highest body esteem also feel sexually satisfied to the highest degree. The interviewed ladies are between the ages of 18 and 49. This thesis has a logical connection: when we are focused on the size of our belly, for example, we suppress and do not give free rein to the sensations that sex brings us in its play and act. Moreover, it has to do with the discharge of sexual secretions and the ability to experience orgasm. What could we do if the big belly bothers us? The on-call advice is to switch to a healthier diet or increase physical activity. Believe me, regular sports work wonders for the body and figure in a short time! Seek out, if necessary, a professional consultant to help you sculpt a body that you feel more comfortable with. Then, accept that we can’t be perfect, even though thousands of images on screens bombard us with perfectionism – please, please, we know it’s not real! Start listening more to your heart – if it beats for love, what does the size here and there matter! 2. Do you know people who impress you with the confidence to ask their bosses almost anything, but not with that capricious tone or unpleasant to listen to demands. They do it so openly and naturally… Well, these people obviously enjoy satisfying sex lives and are enviable! According to sex therapist Dr. Aline Zoldbrod, good sex is the surest recipe for a perfect life. Try to apply this rule in your intimate relationship first. Start asking your partner, share your feelings and desires in bed. When you’re together to have sex, the pleasure of experiencing and giving go hand in hand… 3. You’re committed to a to-do list. Insert sex into the list. Of course,there’s no way the note will stay on a fridge magnet if curious reading children peck… But even then, an invitation in the shape of a heart can remind us of our obligation to satisfy this primal need of our body that binds our relationship with the person we love , besides giving us a healthy heart and normal blood. Of course, it is most pleasant when sex happens unplanned and spontaneous, but we must admit that modern times rarely give us such opportunities, and if we wait for chance… So it does not hurt at the end of the working week to leave the children at mother-in-law or mother-in-law and dedicate the night to yourselves as a couple. Remember beforehand that even a short walk outside together will recharge you. Prepare a light dinner, add an aphrodisiac. Try to get rid of stress through a suitable means – a massage always helps, but the same could be achieved with another enjoyable activity for both of you, watching a movie, taking a warm bath… 4. Do you know how many times you have sex? If not, then you are one of those lucky people whose example we aspire to. If you start counting how many times and often you have sex with your partner, then there is some problem… Someone in the couple is not satisfied or one is violent – where is the adjustment or is there a distraction? Basically, making it a goal as a couple to have sex more often has the most beneficial effect on your self-esteem and the strength of your relationship. In a similar vein is the analysis from the study of the famous sexologist Dr. Christine Seising of San Diego, published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. However, focusing on the number, whether for a week or a month doesn’t matter, takes away from the pleasure, avoid it. The same goes if you force yourself to have sex because you have to. However, it is an activity that should bring pleasure. It is better to focus on the predisposition in this case. At least until you get his regularity back. NEWS_MORE_BOX 5. If you don’t like sex, you can’t pursue it. The question is, why don’t you like it? The answer is not related to how often you practice it, or whether you reach orgasm every time. Good sex has two prerequisites. The first is to feel good – physically and emotionally. And getting along with your partner – in bed and feeling close to him as individuals. If you associate sex with the aroma of vanilla, cinnamon or imagine a glass of red wine… Oh, you love sex and this point was not for you! 6. You don’t have sex at all costs! In fact, it is an indicator of good sexual self-esteem. Sex by obligation, regret because there is no one with whom, someone’s insistence and a fixed idea, is to play Russian roulette with the libido. If you skip a time because you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, you’re not only doing yourself a favor, but your partner as well. Of course, the refusal should be done in a way that does not repel or offend – just explain how you feel. As long as you love or at least respect each other, that’s enough.In this case, next time you will show your partner your dedication. Sometimes it is not a mistake and despite the reluctance the caresses continue. With them, relaxation occurs and the desire for sex appears by itself. Regarding the other cases – they are for another article… 7. Routine kills the desire for sex. It’s not news. For most couples, at some point in their life together, there comes a point when they find that they have fallen into some kind of routine in bed. This adversely affects their interest in intimacy. Bringing new elements into the sex game works as a cure here – whether you try new positions, places, it doesn’t matter, as long as the method works. The truth is that without efforts made by both, miracles cannot be expected. And remember, if you’re not enjoying sex with your partner, he/she will know it. Better share and discover new ways to maintain your libido together. 8. In fact, if you’re happy together, you can’t be unhappy in bed. What more is there to mention on this point?! There are studies that prove that sexual satisfaction is directly proportional to the feeling of happiness that two people feel when they are together. And this is proven by measuring happiness on scales, frequency of sex, attractiveness, abilities in bed… 9. Remember that contact between you during the day is important. It can’t always be done – you snap your fingers and go to bed. Maybe in the beginning. Maybe when the passion is strong. But… The feeling must be maintained if we are to have long lives as sexually satisfied individuals. That’s the result of a study published in the Journal of Integrated Social Sciences in 2011. Well, that’s it – flirt whenever you can, no matter how long you’ve been together. 10. In order to enjoy sex, we need to be aware of what sex is healthy and what it means to have a healthy sex life. Here, realism is not superfluous, it is a necessary condition. It is clear that the passion cannot be the same in a long-term relationship. Here, it is rather important that you and your partner agree on how you can diversify your sensations to prevent boredom between you. And this is already a matter of joint choice and agreement… However, try to reduce the variety as much as possible within the couple. The other always runs the risk of shifting the focus…it doesn’t matter as long as the method works. The truth is that without efforts made by both, miracles cannot be expected. And remember, if you’re not enjoying sex with your partner, he/she will know it. Better share and discover new ways to maintain your libido together. 8. In fact, if you’re happy together, you can’t be unhappy in bed. What more is there to mention on this point?! There are studies that prove that sexual satisfaction is directly proportional to the feeling of happiness that two people feel when they are together. And this is proven by measuring happiness on scales, frequency of sex, attractiveness, abilities in bed… 9. Remember that contact between you during the day is important. It can’t always be done – you snap your fingers and go to bed. Maybe in the beginning. Maybe when the passion is strong. But… The feeling must be maintained if we are to have long lives as sexually satisfied individuals. That’s the result of a study published in the Journal of Integrated Social Sciences in 2011. Well, that’s it – flirt whenever you can, no matter how long you’ve been together. 10. In order to enjoy sex, we need to be aware of what sex is healthy and what it means to have a healthy sex life. Here, realism is not superfluous, it is a necessary condition. It is clear that the passion cannot be the same in a long-term relationship. Here, it is rather important that you and your partner agree on how you can diversify your sensations to prevent boredom between you. And this is already a matter of joint choice and agreement… However, try to reduce the variety as much as possible within the couple. The other always runs the risk of shifting the focus…it doesn’t matter as long as the method works. The truth is that without efforts made by both, miracles cannot be expected. And remember, if you’re not enjoying sex with your partner, he/she will know it. Better share and discover new ways to maintain your libido together. 8. In fact, if you’re happy together, you can’t be unhappy in bed. What more is there to mention on this point?! There are studies that prove that sexual satisfaction is directly proportional to the feeling of happiness that two people feel when they are together. And this is proven by measuring happiness on scales, frequency of sex, attractiveness, abilities in bed… 9. Remember that contact between you during the day is important. It can’t always be done – you snap your fingers and go to bed. Maybe in the beginning. Maybe when the passion is strong. But… The feeling must be maintained if we are to have long lives as sexually satisfied individuals. That’s the result of a study published in the Journal of Integrated Social Sciences in 2011. Well, that’s it – flirt whenever you can, no matter how long you’ve been together. 10. In order to enjoy sex, we need to be aware of what sex is healthy and what it means to have a healthy sex life. Here, realism is not superfluous, it is a necessary condition. It is clear that the passion cannot be the same in a long-term relationship. Here, it is rather important that you and your partner agree on how you can diversify your sensations to prevent boredom between you. And this is already a matter of joint choice and agreement… However, try to reduce the variety as much as possible within the couple. The other always runs the risk of shifting the focus…we need to be aware of what sex is healthy and what it means to have a healthy sex life. Here, realism is not superfluous, it is a necessary condition. It is clear that the passion cannot be the same in a long-term relationship. Here, it is rather important that you and your partner agree on how you can diversify your sensations to prevent boredom between you. And this is already a matter of joint choice and agreement… However, try to reduce the diversity as much as possible within the couple. The other always runs the risk of shifting the focus…we need to be aware of what sex is healthy and what it means to have a healthy sex life. Here, realism is not superfluous, it is a necessary condition. It is clear that the passion cannot be the same in a long-term relationship. Here, it is rather important that you and your partner agree on how you can diversify your sensations to prevent boredom between you. And this is already a matter of joint choice and agreement… However, try to reduce the variety as much as possible within the couple. The other always runs the risk of shifting the focus…

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