Increased libido after vasectomy – why?

Increased libido after vasectomy – why?

According to the results of a new study, men who have undergone a vasectomy have sex more often. More specifically, the procedure not only does not lead to dilution of sexual contacts, but on the contrary, the probability of their frequency is three times greater for these men, compared to the others, who did not undergo a vasectomy. The study was conducted in Frankfurt, Germany and included 294 couples in which the men underwent the procedure. According to the team, 12.4% of men reported having sex more often, compared to only 4.5% who reported having sex less often. After the procedure, men reportedly rate their sex life as significantly improved – not just in frequency. They reported that they felt a stronger desire and were more satisfied with both erections and orgasms. Overall satisfaction with intimate contacts was increased. The authors of the study explain these observations with the assumption that by performing the vasectomy procedure, the man is freed from the worry that pregnancy may occur. As the tension eased, couples’ sex lives became more spontaneous. NEWS_MORE_BOX Sexual satisfaction was improved not only in men but also in women in the couples studied. They also reported increased libido after their partners underwent the procedure. The explanation here again relates to the release from the fear of unwanted pregnancy. A previous study conducted in 2015 revealed that men who had a vasectomy had sex an average of 5.9 times a week, compared to 4.9 times for others. Vasectomy is a quick, minimally invasive procedure that takes a quarter of an hour and provides the highest degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Nevertheless, its categorical nature makes fewer and fewer couples turn to this method of contraception. The fear of marriage breakdown, the possibility of starting a new family or reuniting with a younger partner are among the main reasons that deter men from the procedure.

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