The 5 most hated things about sex

The 5 most hated things about sex

Sex should be for fun. Before putting an end to this statement, in which both men and women are convinced, one thing must be emphasized – for the fun of both partners. This requires dedication and putting aside selfish motives. Sometimes it also requires the ability to slightly change or even abandon our own beliefs about what is allowed and what is not allowed in sex, especially when they are wrong. Otherwise, there are times when we have to remove the word fun from the list of epithets with which we would describe our sexual contacts. It comes to moments in sex that many people easily define as hateful. Among them, 5 can be mentioned, which arouse the most negative reactions. Falling asleep quickly after sex Sex is not a marathon, and the excuse of severe physical exhaustion after the end does not apply. At least according to women. Many of them identify a man’s rapid and blissful sleep after sex as the most unpleasant aspect of sexual intercourse. Leaving the partner without orgasm Even if he cannot keep his ejaculation under control, a man should not end the sexual game without bringing his partner to orgasm. For him it is a matter of honor and for her it is a matter of satisfaction. Otherwise, the man risks not only being the subject of gossip among his partner’s entourage, but also being judged as the executor of one of the most hated things in sex. Simulating Orgasm In their quest to perform well in bed and bring the other to orgasm, many men and women tend to blindly believe every symptom their partner exhibits. However, most men and women are not. Even without much practice, they easily recognize the hasty and false manifestations of orgasm and point to them as one of the things that literally destroy the pleasure of sex. NEWS_MORE_BOX Ignoring Precautions The pleasure of sex should come only after its safety is ensured. This is and should be everyone’s belief not only because of the peak of sexually transmitted diseases. Adhering to safety measures will ensure that you can have longer and more trouble-free intercourse and ensure that you do not alienate your partner with an act that undermines a good attitude towards sex. Lack of audibility We started with a complaint more often mentioned by women and, logically, we will end with one again. One of the most hated things about sex among women is the inability to establish adequate contact with their partner during sex. If there’s one thing women point to as the real enemy of fulfilling sex, it’s men’s belief that they know everything and their inability to coordinate their actions with their partner’s reactions. The bad thing is that, according to women, this is not so much because of machismo, but simply because there is no hearing and, worse, there is no desire on the part of men to ask and learn. And there must be oneso as not to fuel women’s negative attitudes towards sex. No one is born a Don Juan. Even Casanova studied long before earning a reputation as a refined lover. It is the small compromises and lessons from mistakes that will help us enjoy fulfilling sex every time and avoid the embarrassing situations that everyone hates. Because sex is for fun, but for both parties.

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