4 benefits of veganism for good sexuality in men

4 benefits of veganism for good sexuality in men

With the imposition of veganism as a way of eating and in general as a way of life among so many people, a number of data on its positive influence, including on the sex life of vegans, have reasonably appeared. The widespread perception that vegans are better sexual partners in every way prompted a special survey aimed at taking into account the preferences of both sexes when choosing a partner based on whether he is vegan or not. The data shows that the probability that a man will choose a vegan woman as a sexual partner is 13% higher than that he will choose a woman who also eats meat. However, the opposite situation is reported for women. The probability of a woman choosing as a sexual partner a man who is a supporter of veganism is 15% lower than the probability of settling on a man with standard dietary preferences. However, it turns out that this is a very big mistake on the part of women, because there is a lot of scientific data indicating that vegan men do have a more fulfilling sex life. It is believed that the reasons for this are entirely due to the benefits of veganism and the avoidance of the negative influence of fatty foods on male sexual health. What sex life problems are vegan men less likely to have? Erectile Dysfunction Erectile dysfunction is caused by a combination of psychogenic and physical factors. The most influential of the physical causes of erectile dysfunction are high blood pressure and high cholesterol and the cardiovascular problems associated with them. Statistics show that 75% of men with even mild cardiovascular problems suffer from erectile dysfunction, and the root of the problem is excessive dietary fat intake, especially from meat and dairy products. Chronic fatigue and lack of sexual stamina Fresh fruits and vegetables and food of plant origin in general are broken down faster in the body and nutrients are absorbed soon after eating. This provides vegans with constant and even bursts of energy, allowing for much more fulfilling sexual intercourse. NEWS_MORE_BOX Libido problems Sexual attraction is primarily dependent on psychological and emotional factors, but veganism can even help eliminate them. Regular consumption of organic and fresh foods helps support mood and mental health, which are key libido regulators in both sexes. Unpleasant body odor A study by Czech scientists shows that veganism has a very positive effect on male body odor. The scientists followed a group of men who were subjected to a meat-rich diet for two weeks, followed by a vegan diet for the next two weeks. During both periods, regular samples are taken to determine their body odor, judged by an all-female jury. It unanimously favors the body odor of men during the vegan eating period.These facts show how diverse the benefits of even temporary veganism are, not only in cases of weight problems, but also in relation to sex life and the many factors that affect it.

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