Male potency – is it damaged by cycling?

Male potency – is it damaged by cycling?

Cycling has always been a popular method of transportation and a beloved sport for many, and a favorite hobby for countless others. It is widely believed that frequent cycling impairs male potency due to the pressure placed on the tissues in the groin area. However, two modern studies reveal that groin pain and often – numbness of tissues in the area (in professional or very enthusiastic cyclists) poses absolutely no danger to the sexual or urogenital health of cyclists. Dr. Kevin McVarry, a spokesman for the American Urological Association, said in an interview that both men and women can enjoy the excellent cardio workout that is cycling without worrying about potential harm to their genitourinary system. The research included nearly 4,000 men and 2,700 women from sports clubs, mainly involved in cycling. According to the results of the study, among cyclists there was exactly the same proportion of people with urogenital and sexual problems as among swimmers and runners who cycle rarely or never. NEWS_MORE_BOX What’s more, due to the excellent cardio training that cycling provides, cyclists had relatively higher scores on the criteria of “sexual health”, “endurance” and “libido” compared to those practicing other types of sports. The main complaints of cyclists were related to pelvic pain. They come from pressure exerted on the perineum – the area between the genitals and the anus. The most common reason for this turns out to be the wrong seat or incorrect placement. The seat should not be too soft or thick and should always be in a position parallel to the ground or slightly tilted forward. It should not be placed too high or too low – the ideal height is reached when the leg is slightly bent reaching the lowest stroke of the pedal, and the ground is barely reached from a sitting position with the toes.

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