Inflammation of the female genital organs. Women’s health with Prof. Kostov

Inflammation of the female genital organs. Women’s health with Prof. Kostov

One of the most common gynecological diseases are the inflammatory processes of the female genital organs. Therefore, today I will pay special attention to them. Infections penetrate from the outside and cause inflammatory processes. The causative agents are various microorganisms, usually they are streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, etc. Characteristic symptoms The most common symptom is vaginal discharge, it may have an odor or pain. However, it doesn’t have to be painful. There may be inflammation without pain. A peculiarity in gynecology is that very often there is inflammation without fever. So, in order to protect the woman from inflammation, she must observe a good personal hygiene, also a good sexual hygiene. Which parts of the female genital organs are most often inflamed? The inflammations usually affect the vagina, the cervix, the cervical canal, i.e. the canal of the cervix, inside the uterine cavity or cover the entire uterus. There are also more serious cases where the inflammation affects the peritoneum (abdominal cavity), tubes and ovaries. In the most severe cases, peritonitis can also occur, then. the inflammation starts from below through the vagina and covers the entire abdominal cavity. Causes of inflammation of the female genital organs In gynecology, there is a term pelvic inflammatory disease. In this condition, inflammation is most often caused by microorganisms. And they can be very different. Most often, pelvic inflammatory disease develops from chlamydia and gonorrhea (a disease also known as triper). They are sexually transmitted. However, it is quite possible to get it even without sexual transmission – for the vagina to be contaminated by some microorganism. Regarding the causes of inflammation – it can be caused by any microorganisms that exceed a certain microbial number or those that, in principle, should not be present in the vagina. But the human body constantly encounters viruses, bacteria, and fungi that can cause inflammation. NEWS_MORE_BOX Diagnosis of inflammation of the female genital organs? At least once a year, secretions from the vagina and cervix should be taken for microbiological examination. During this examination, the presence of pathogens is monitored and, if present, they must be treated. Treatment Treatment should never be carried out blindly. This is a rule every woman should know. From a microbiological examination, a culture is made, this is absolutely necessary to see what microorganisms will give colonies and, accordingly, what antibiotics they will react to. The goal is to prescribe exactly such an antibiotic to which microorganisms are not resistant. This is the only correct approach. Often, after the chosen treatment is administered, usually with some kind of antibiotic, an antifungal is also prescribed if fungus is present. Very often, anti-fungal preparations are prescribed to prevent them from forming while the woman is being treated with an antibiotic.After the treatment, it is mandatory to do a repeat, microbiological examination to check whether the inflammation has been cured. The consequences of not treating the inflammations The inflammations of the female genital organs should not be underestimated because they can cause and are the cause of infertility in women. The consequences of pelvic inflammatory disease are often adhesions of the fallopian tubes. Chlamydial infection is one typical cause of infertility. Therefore, ladies should not have any hesitation and start the treatment as soon as possible. Also, with severe inflammation, the formation of a tuboovarian abscess can occur, i.e. the entire tube and ovary become a purulent source, which, unfortunately, can only be treated surgically. Of course, this happens with already old inflammatory processes that have progressed. Then there is no other form of treatment. Preventive measures to avoid inflammation I’ve said it many times, but it’s never enough – the best prevention is the annual prophylactic gynecological examination. It should be known that the female genital system is an open system – there is a vagina connected to the cervical canal, the uterine cavity and the tubes. This system, open to the outside environment, communicates with the internal organs in the pelvis. It is precisely for this reason that attention should be paid especially to young women who have not given birth. They must necessarily observe good hygiene in order to protect themselves from future problems, which in turn can lead to difficult or impossible pregnancy. The smear Finally, will you let me talk about smears again. Often inflammations also cause a change in the cells of the cervix, i.e. when a woman goes for a pap smear (a screening test for pre-cancer and cervical cancer), the results of the pap smear can be affected if there is inflammation. Therefore, it is good to take the smear when there is no inflammation, so that the pathohistologist can pronounce as accurately as possible as to whether or not there are changes in the cells of the cervix. Thus, the most accurate possible diagnosis is made, whether or not pre-cancer or cancer is present.Then there is no other form of treatment. Preventive measures to avoid inflammation I’ve said it many times, but it’s never enough – the best prevention is the annual prophylactic gynecological examination. It should be known that the female genital system is an open system – there is a vagina connected to the cervical canal, the uterine cavity and the tubes. This system, open to the outside environment, communicates with the internal organs in the pelvis. It is precisely for this reason that attention should be paid especially to young women who have not given birth. They must necessarily observe good hygiene in order to protect themselves from future problems, which in turn can lead to difficult or impossible pregnancy. The smear Finally, will you let me talk about smears again. Often inflammations also cause a change in the cells of the cervix, i.e. when a woman goes for a pap smear (a screening test for pre-cancer and cervical cancer), the results of the pap smear can be affected if there is inflammation. Therefore, it is good to take the smear when there is no inflammation, so that the pathohistologist can pronounce as accurately as possible as to whether or not there are changes in the cells of the cervix. Thus, the most accurate possible diagnosis is made, whether or not pre-cancer or cancer is present.Then there is no other form of treatment. Preventive measures to avoid inflammation I’ve said it many times, but it’s never enough – the best prevention is the annual prophylactic gynecological examination. It should be known that the female genital system is an open system – there is a vagina connected to the cervical canal, the uterine cavity and the tubes. This system, open to the outside environment, communicates with the internal organs in the pelvis. It is precisely for this reason that attention should be paid especially to young women who have not given birth. They must necessarily observe good hygiene in order to protect themselves from future problems, which in turn can lead to difficult or impossible pregnancy. The smear Finally, will you let me talk about smears again. Often inflammations also cause a change in the cells of the cervix, i.e. when a woman goes for a pap smear (a screening test for pre-cancer and cervical cancer), the results of the pap smear can be affected if there is inflammation. Therefore, it is good to take the smear when there is no inflammation, so that the pathohistologist can pronounce as accurately as possible as to whether or not there are changes in the cells of the cervix. Thus, the most accurate possible diagnosis is made, whether or not pre-cancer or cancer is present.

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