Mycoplasma infection can lead to sterility and polyarthritis

Mycoplasma infection can lead to sterility and polyarthritis

Mycoplasma infection of the female genital tract is most commonly caused by Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplsma Parvum. In men, infection can also be due to Mycoplasma genitalium. Mycoplasma microorganisms are found in about 20-30% of women of mature, sexually active age, despite the absence of complaints. Ureaplasma microorganisms are isolated in a significantly higher percentage of women. In men of sexually active age, asymptomatic carriers of microorganisms, causative agents of mycoplasma infection are found in 8-10% of cases. Causative agent of mycoplasma infection Mycoplasma infection is caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Mycoplasma. Microorganisms can normally be isolated from the mucosa of the respiratory tract and genitourinary system. The development of mycoplasma infection is associated with a superficial inflammatory process. Microorganisms are the smallest in size and, unlike other bacteria, they lack a cell wall. Ways of infection Transmission of mycoplasma microorganisms can be done sexually. In pregnancy, the mother can transmit the microorganisms both during pregnancy and during delivery. Symptoms of mycoplasma infection Women with mycoplasma infection do not have characteristic symptoms. Often complaints are related to soreness during intercourse, pain and burning during urination. The incubation period is between 3 and 5 weeks. When carrying mycoplasma microorganisms and a drop in the body’s immune defenses, pelvic inflammatory disease can develop – an infection of the upper parts of the female reproductive system. Another complication is the result of the micro-organisms getting into the blood. As a result, joint involvement and the development of polyarthritis can be reached. Making a diagnosis In order to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to isolate mycoplasma microorganisms. Microbiological examination can be done on vaginal discharge or urine. Most often, targeted microbiological research is performed because an inflammatory process in the vagina has been established and no other causative agent has been identified. NEWS_MORE_BOX Another method of diagnosis is through DNA analysis. The PCR-polymerase chain reaction method is highly sensitive. Complications as a result of mycoplasma infection in women As a result of asymptomatic carriage of mycoplasma microorganisms, sterility can be reached – inability to conceive. In women who are pregnant and the infection is transmitted to the fetus, complications may also occur in the child after birth. They are most often expressed in respiratory disorders. Mycoplasma infection in early pregnancy can cause miscarriage. In the course of pregnancy, they can lead to complications and premature birth. Treatment of mycoplasma infection Due to its characteristic – lack of a cell wall, most of the antibiotics cannot be used.This is due to the fact that they act precisely on the cell wall to carry out their action. The main group of antibiotics that are used for treatment are the tetracyclines – tetracycline, doxycycline. In recent years, resistance to them has risen to about 40-90%. Another group of antibiotics that are used are macrolides and quinolones. Treatment with the appropriate antibiotic is started after it is established to which groups there is sensitivity. Treatment of mycoplasma infection is usually a combination of several medications, especially when pelvic inflammatory disease develops.

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