Sex calms the mind and supports the heart

Sex calms the mind and supports the heart

In order to maintain our health, specialists give various recommendations and guidelines, some of which are not particularly our favorite and pleasant. We often prefer pizza over salad or relaxing on the couch over hitting the gym. There is one way that brings delight and pleasure and at the same time is useful for health – sex. In addition to improving the appearance of the skin and providing a workout for the body, sex can be beneficial in several other aspects… It is good for the heart This type of physical activity increases the heart rate. This is the equivalent of approximately 23 minutes of moderate-intensity cycling, 15 minutes of moderate-intensity swimming, or 20 minutes of shooting hoops. And while it doesn’t meet the requirements for physical activity, it comes close to the American Heart Association’s recommendations for a daily “dose” of movement. According to them, to maintain the health of the cardiovascular system, we need at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least five days a week. In addition, we should also aim for two sessions of moderate to high intensity muscle strengthening exercises. Calms the mind Serotonin, which is synthesized during orgasm, provides a wave of feelings of happiness, relieving stress or anxiety. Some experts even define sex as a natural anti-depressant. Understanding and seeing oneself as a sexual being who is capable of giving pleasure to one’s partner is also a source of satisfaction and pleasure. NEWS_MORE_BOX Improves sleep… especially in men When we reach orgasm, the hormone prolactin is also released in the body, which induces a feeling of sleepiness. In men, its synthesis is in significantly greater quantities, compared to women. In fact, during ejaculation, many chemicals are released in the male body, many of which have a hypnotic effect. These include norepinephrine, serotonin, prolactin and vasopressin. Women also feel tired after sex, but it is mostly due to physical exhaustion.

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