Transvaginal laparoscopy helps with endometriosis

Transvaginal laparoscopy helps with endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of problematic pregnancy on the part of a woman. The disease, in which tissue from the inner lining of the uterus protrudes outside it, leads to infertility, often accompanied by pain. According to the World Health Organization, this disease occurs in about 30% of women in the world. Diagnosing endometriosis is a lengthy process, but if it is detected at an early stage, it can be treated without any problems. This allows women affected by the disease to successfully undergo an assisted reproduction procedure or even conceive naturally. The classic operative therapy for endometriosis is the application of laparoscopic surgery. A modern method of treatment is the application of a quick and painless intervention called transvaginal laparoscopy. This operation is a classic example of 2 in 1 – simultaneous diagnosis and therapy. The positive thing about her is the extremely fast postoperative recovery. The patient can go home or return to her normal daily work routine after just 24 hours. Transvaginal laparoscopy guarantees more than 90 percent of patients that they will not experience postoperative pain. It allows better visualization of the different organs in the pelvis. The procedure is performed using a puncture, in which the vaginal wall behind the cervix is ​​pierced with the help of a fine instrument created specifically for the purpose. It penetrates the abdomen with a thin light guide equipped with a high-resolution camera. The examination is performed under anesthesia and with the help of a warm and sterile solution. Transvaginal laparoscopy is part of the arsenal of modern monoscopic or so-called. bloodless surgery. Endoscopic surgery, in turn, is a highly specialized specialty of obstetrics and gynecology, which has enjoyed exceptional progress in recent years. Gynecological endoscopy is a type of surgical technique during which the operator holds instruments entering through small incisions in the abdomen, and the operative field is visualized on high-resolution screens with the ability to magnify the image by nearly 40 times. The rapid technological development of medicine has made it possible for almost everything that is performed in conventional gynecological surgery to be done through endoscopic techniques. Practically the only limitation is the skill of the operator and the equipment at his disposal. Specialists believe that endoscopic operations are the future of operative gynecology. The so-called bloodless operations can be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Regarding their diagnostic function, they are applied, for example, to patients who are sterile, to women who have experienced miscarriages or to those who are suspected of having a gynecological problem. Diagnostic laparoscopy, for example, is an extremely accurate method for establishing the patency of the fallopian tubes, for diagnosing adhesions, cysts, endometriosis,ectopic pregnancy, leiomyomas, structural abnormalities, etc. As for the therapeutic possibilities of endoscopic surgery, we should point out its application in fallopian tube diseases (pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, adhesions, ectopic pregnancy), in ovarian damage (such as different types of ovarian cysts – follicular, endometriotic or induced from the parenchymal tissue of the organ itself) or in pathology of the uterine body itself (single or multiple fibroid nodes, congenital anomalies of the uterus, etc.). All that has been mentioned so far are benign diseases of the female genital organs, and for more than a decade endoscopic operations have been applied in operative gynecology and in oncological diseases. The application of the latest operative techniques in endoscopic surgery will be demonstrated through presentations and operations broadcast via live telemedicine during the 10th Sofia Symposium on Reproductive Medicine and the Balkan Conference on Vaginal Endoscopy. As part of the scientific forum, two of the world’s specialists in the field of reproductive surgery are coming to Sofia – Prof. Rudi Campo and Prof. Stefan Gordts. Thanks to their work, discoveries and treatment methods, thousands of happy couples around the world are raising their children. Prof. Rudi Campo is one of the internationally recognized specialists in hysteroscopic surgery with extensive experience in reconstructive surgery and the diagnosis and treatment of endometrial pathology. His current interests are in assisted reproductive technologies, endoscopic surgery, and also in the training and certification of specialists worldwide. Among other activities in various European associations, he is a member of the board of directors of the European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and the European Society for Reproductive Medicine. NEWS_MORE_BOX Prof. Campo is co-founder of the Institute of Sterility and Embryology in Leuven. In addition, he is one of the founders of the European Academy of Gynecological Surgery, which aims to promote the exchange of clinical experience, scientific research among doctors practicing gynecological endoscopy and thus establish a model of standardization. His many scientific studies and publications in prestigious publications make Prof. Rudi Campo a leading expert in the field of gynecological endoscopy. Prof. Stefan Gordz is an expert in mini-invasive surgery and operative laparoscopies. He was involved in the birth of the first “in vitro” baby in Belgium in 1983. In 1984, Prof. Stephan Gordz founded the Leuven Institute of Sterility and Embryology (LIFE), of which he remains scientific director to this day. In 1988, he introduced a new technique for transvaginal laparoscopy and the concept of the “one stop fertility clinic”. He is a member of various associations and is on the Board of Reproductive Surgery Directors of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).Participated in the development of the new classification of congenital uterine malformations. He is a scientific editor and participates in the publication of several prestigious international scientific publications. Prof. Campo and Prof. Gordz, among other internationally leading endoscopy surgeons such as Philip Conincks, Patrick Putemans, Vassilis Thanos, and Grigoris Grimbyzis, participate with presentations in the scientific program of the X Sofia Symposium on Reproductive Medicine and the Balkan Conference on Vaginal Endoscopy . The event will be held on October 28 and 29 in Sofia Hotel Balkan in the capital. More information about the program of the scientific forum, as well as online registration for participation, can be obtained from the website of the organizers from the Institute of Reproductive Health at the address:

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