5 tests that every man should not ignore

5 tests that every man should not ignore

Why are screening studies so important? Screening studies have been shown to lead to the detection of the disease before its symptoms appear and to the greater likelihood of its treatment. For example, early detection of colon cancer can stop its development from the beginning. Detecting diabetes at an early stage prevents some complications such as vision loss and impotence. 1. Prostate cancer? How can it be established? Prostate cancer is the most common tumor after skin cancer. Screening tests can detect the disease long before symptoms develop, when treatment is most effective. The most appropriate test, which is not always completely accurate, but gives information about the possible development of prostate cancer, is a blood test for the prostate specific antigen (PSA). 2. Skin cancer. Can it be detected and prevented? The most dangerous form of skin cancer is melanoma. It starts in specialized cells (melanocytes) and is a major risk for older men. The risk increases when you expose your skin too often to direct sunlight or allow yourself to visit a tanning bed too often. Sunburns increase the risk of skin cancer. A preventive visit to a dermatologist can prevent the development of this type of cancer if it is detected at an early stage. It is necessary to ascertain all existing scars on the skin, its color, shape and size. 3. Risk of high blood pressure. Can it be mastered and how? The risk of high blood pressure increases with advancing age. There is a relationship between hypertension and lifestyle. High blood pressure can lead to severe complications. Its early diagnosis can prevent further development of heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. Frequent measurement of blood pressure is the best prevention against the development of severe complications of hypertension. NEWS_MORE_BOX 4. Cholesterol? How does it affect us and how can we prevent the consequences? A high level of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) in the blood increases the risk of plaque formation in the vessel walls. This leads to the development of heart problems. The absence of symptoms among people with atherosclerosis is possible for a long period of time. But as you get older, your risk of having a heart attack or stroke increases. If measures are taken early and frequent checks of the level of LDL in the blood can be avoided, many heart diseases can be avoided. In order to diagnose the rise of LDL in time, regular examination of the lipid profile through a fasting blood test is appropriate. 5. What is the impact of the HIV virus (HIV) and can it be prevented? HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Through certain medications, it is possible to control its influence, but their use is associated with the risk of side effects.HIV-positive individuals may remain asymptomatic for many years. Tests such as ELISA and Western blot are necessary to determine if someone is infected with the HIV virus.

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