Sex – how often is healthy? Sexual hygiene in women.

Sex – how often is healthy? Sexual hygiene in women.

Sexual hygiene is part of personal hygiene. Its subject is the hygiene of the genitals, sexual life, the menstrual cycle, prevention against diseases, protection against unwanted pregnancy, but also the frequency of intercourse. Even in ancient times, Hippocrates recommended having sex twice a week. According to studies today, young and healthy married partners practice coitus every 24 hours in the first months of marriage. After 1-2 years, the frequency becomes an average of 2-3 coitus per week. As family life progresses, however, it reaches 1 coitus per week. This is just data. Currently, there are no norms for the frequency of sexual contact. Frequent coitus without corresponding attitude and satisfaction is called forced. They lead to nervousness rather than satisfaction. If the goal is to become pregnant, it is recommended that the woman lie down for 2-3 hours after intercourse. If the goal is not such, it is necessary to make an intimate toilet according to the rules of general intimate hygiene. Vaginal douches should not be performed! Too long and violent contacts can be the cause of trauma to the urethra, followed by cyst-like complaints. NEWS_MORE_BOX An important element of sexual hygiene is a good knowledge of the normal intercourse. This is necessary for early detection of disorders and their treatment. There is no reason to avoid sexual contact in healthy women during menstruation. Some of them experience the greatest desire for sex shortly before and immediately after menstruation. In inflammatory diseases of the vulva, sexual abstinence is recommended due to the risk of transmitting the infection to the partner.

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