Why do menopause hot flashes occur? (video)

Why do menopause hot flashes occur? (video)

Estrogens are a group of steroid hormones that regulate several types of body functions in men and women. In women, these are the main sex hormones that are formed in the ovaries, from where they are released into the bloodstream and reach all parts of the body. Estrogen enters the cell through pores in their membrane and binds to the estrogen receptor. The receptor complex reaches the nucleus, binds to DNA, and mRNA is produced that leaves the nucleus and enters the endoplasmic reticulum. There it forms a specific protein. Proteins are involved in all processes in the body. When estrogen levels decrease during menopause, the formation of certain proteins also decreases, which leads to a change in some functions in the body. One of the changes is related to the area in the brain that is responsible for the perception of warm and hot. In a room where the temperature was perceived as normal, heat begins to be felt. This leads to sweating and hot flashes.

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