Surprising libido destroyers

Surprising libido destroyers

From aphrodisiacs to pills to surgery, there are a variety of reasons that can impair the desire for sex. Such problems can be alleviated with the help of medication. On the other hand, lifestyle habits may be to blame, and some changes in that regard could help. Among them are diet, physical activity, stress. Here are some libido busters that may surprise you… For some people, alcohol can help with sex by removing inhibitions. However, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can have the opposite effect, sabotaging performance in bed. Alcohol suppresses erection, and also, again due to alcohol, the vagina moistens more slowly. Experts explain that increased levels of alcohol in the blood are associated with a delayed orgasm, and sensitivity is also reduced. Alcohol can disrupt the coordination between the genitals and the central nervous system because it is a depressant. In the digital age we live in, it’s not surprising that we spend most of our time sitting down, and very often develop bad posture-related habits. NEWS_MORE_BOX Spending an average of about nine hours in front of the computer, smartphone, TV can endanger not only the spine, but also the desire for sex. A recent study published in the journal Health Psychology found that incorrect posture can lead to shallow breathing, which exacerbates stress and lowers energy levels. In this way the libido is affected. Slouching has previously been found to alter hormone levels, specifically increasing cortisol, known as the stress hormone. Sitting upright can lower stress levels while simultaneously increasing testosterone levels.

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