Bulgarian men are champions in sexual acts

Bulgarian men are champions in sexual acts

Bulgarians are one of the most frequently sexed men in the world. That’s according to statistics cited at the Third National Conference on Sexual Medicine, which took place over the weekend. On average, men in our country indulge in love caresses 127 times a year. In general, the Balkan countries have the most sex compared to other countries in the world, with the Greeks leading the peninsula in the prestigious ranking. The conference on sexual medicine was organized by the Bulgarian Association on Sexual Medicine under the patronage of the rector of the Medical University in Sofia, Prof. Dr. Vanyo Mitev. Sexual medicine is an interdisciplinary field devoted to sexual disorders in both sexes, their causes and consequences for the individual, couple and society. These problems are studied in general medical fundamental and applied aspects from the point of view of urologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, sexologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, dermatovenerologists, general practitioners, deontologists and other specialists. A number of proven Bulgarian and international specialists took part in both the already successful two national conferences and the Third National Conference. The main goal of the conference was to present the current state of scientific knowledge and promote achievements in this field. Some of the topics covered included urological, endocrinological, cardiology, neurological and sexological aspects of erectile dysfunction, disorders of libido, orgasm and ejaculation in men, the most significant urological and gynecological diseases related to sexual function, hypogonadism in men , sexual dysfunction in women, modern aspects of sexological counseling, the importance of sexually transmitted diseases, psychiatric and forensic problems and a number of others. More than 250 people took part in it. According to medical experts, the frequency of love acts is much less important than their quality. That’s why the highlights of the program were erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, which affect an increasing percentage of men worldwide. The first problem almost always plagues a second man. Erectile dysfunction is often referred to as an impotence condition in which a man is unable to get or maintain a full erection. This condition is similar to premature ejaculation in that it can negatively affect both the man and his partner and can put significant strain on the relationship. In trying to determine the possible cause of erectile dysfunction, the first factor a doctor will look at is the man’s age. In older men, this problem is most likely due to physical condition. Diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and neurological disease account for about 70% of erectile dysfunction cases.Diabetes is a huge risk factor for erectile dysfunction. Smoking, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle can also increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. Medicines such as antidepressants, diuretics, etc. can also have erectile problems as a side effect. However, in up to 20% of cases, erectile dysfunction can also be associated with a psychological cause – depression, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem. If a man previously enjoyed a good sex life and only recently started having erectile problems – especially if he is with a new partner or the partner is experiencing some problems in the relationship, then the reason is most likely of an emotional nature. The good news is that erectile dysfunction is treatable for most men. New drugs have also been developed that are very successful in treating this condition. Usually, the doctor will determine the cause of this condition and treat it first. It can also change the medications the patient is taking to relieve side effects, which include erectile dysfunction. The doctor can also prescribe drugs to help a man have a successful sex life. It is good for a woman to encourage her husband if he takes such drugs and make him not feel less masculine. NEWS_MORE_BOX One in five men complains of premature ejaculation. There is the presence of such a problem in prolonged or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation that occurred before or shortly after penetration, without the man wanting it, when the inability to delay ejaculation long enough for a satisfactory act, which is manifested by ejaculation before or very soon after the penetration or ejaculation occurred with a weak erection, which does not allow intercourse and when we observe ejaculation that occurred with minimal stimulation and earlier than desired, before or soon after penetration, which leads to worry and stress and on which the sufferer has a small or no control. The reasons for this are not well understood, and various biological and psychological factors are assumed that can lead to it – anxiety and stress, increased sensitivity of the head of the penis, and others. Premature ejaculation is not affected by age, although it is more common in younger men. Premature ejaculation, however, is neither a disease nor a handicap, because in the end, a man who ejaculates quickly actually functions perfectly normally – he has an erection, experiences an orgasm, ejaculates and can leave offspring. However, uncontrolled and premature ejaculation still leads to problems in the sexual relationship, because often, the satisfaction and pleasure from it is not enough for either the man or his partner. The real problem for many men with premature ejaculation is that they have fallen into a vicious circle of “failure” and “guilt”, are systematically “surprised” by ejaculation and have low “sexual” self-esteem.which can escalate even to restricting sexual activity out of fear of “not exposing yourself”. For the treatment of sexual dysfunction, there are many preparations that solve the problem successfully. However, they must be prescribed by a specialist after a thorough consultation. Alcohol and smoking are an age-old enemy of the body and affect every bodily function, including the sexual system. Naturally, the healthier a man lives, the better he will perform in sex. One of the things most susceptible to disorder in unhealthy eating is the reproductive system. This can lead to sexual disorders, including premature ejaculation. Most modern diets consist primarily of genetically modified foods, preservatives, highly processed products that are devoid of natural fiber, water, protein and enzyme content. This type of food is an extremely insufficient source of nutrients necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. To begin with, one can start by avoiding all types of refined sugar, sweet syrups and glucose. If possible, it should not be present in a healthy diet. Refined sugars are the most common cause of obesity and diabetes. It also reduces the levels of testosterone, which plays a major role in the proper functioning of the reproductive system. It is good to completely exclude soy products from the menu. Historically, Buddhist monks in Asia used soy to eliminate sexual desire. This is because soy helps produce estrogen. This can lead to hormonal imbalance, which can invariably harm a man’s sexual function.It also reduces the levels of testosterone, which plays a major role in the proper functioning of the reproductive system. It is good to completely exclude soy products from the menu. Historically, Buddhist monks in Asia used soy to eliminate sexual desire. This is because soy helps produce estrogen. This can lead to hormonal imbalance, which can invariably harm a man’s sexual function.It also reduces the levels of testosterone, which plays a major role in the proper functioning of the reproductive system. It is good to completely exclude soy products from the menu. Historically, Buddhist monks in Asia used soy to eliminate sexual desire. This is because soy helps produce estrogen. This can lead to hormonal imbalance, which can invariably harm a man’s sexual function.

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