Candidiasis – is now easily treated

Candidiasis – is now easily treated

Candidiasis, thrush, candidal colpitis… These are names of the same disease, which in one form or another is suffered by 75% of women. Candida colpitis is caused by microorganisms, fungi of the genus Candida, hence its name. The size of these microorganisms is 1.5-10 μm, they are not visible to the naked eye. They have a round or oval shape and form spores during their reproduction. Previously, candidiasis was referred to the section with venereal diseases, i.e. sexually transmitted diseases. Currently, doctors are not so categorical in classifying it, since candidiasis also occurs in children and women who do not have sex. More than 170 species of Candida fungi are known. Many of them can reside in the body of a healthy woman without causing complaints and an inflammatory process. These women are only carriers of the fungus. In 20% of women, fungi of this genus are part of the vaginal microflora, which does not require their treatment. A disease develops only under certain conditions. Most often, candidiasis develops with the following factors: Long-term, often unjustified, taking antibiotics; Taking medications – cytostatics, oral contraceptives, drugs that suppress immunity; Chronic diseases – especially inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs; Diseases of the endocrine system – diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypothyroidism, etc.; Pregnancy; Menstruation; Deficiency of vitamins C, B1, B6, etc.; Increased sexual activity, etc. The microflora of the vagina contains various microorganisms. Thanks to them, the body protects itself from disease-causing microbes entering the vagina. At the slightest imbalance, favorable conditions are created for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, which can cause various diseases. This happens with long-term use of antibiotics, which are aimed at destroying certain bacteria, but they also kill other beneficial microorganisms, as a result of which others grow. Therefore, when prescribing antibiotics, the sensitivity of the bacteria to the drug is taken into account. At the same time, an anti-fungal preparation is also prescribed, as already during the treatment, and then agents are prescribed to support the body’s natural defenses. NEWS_MORE_BOX Candidiasis becomes more frequent during the warm months, especially when: Underwear made of synthetic materials is worn; When wearing pants that are too tight; When visiting swimming pools, public baths, sauna; Personal hygiene rules are not followed. With candidal colpitis, the following complaints are most common: The amount of vaginal discharge increases, which has a whitish color, flakes are released or the discharge has the appearance of cottage cheese; A specific smell is released; Genital itching occurs, which worsens with washing,intercourse and during small need; The mucous membranes are covered with a white or gray-white plaque; The skin of the genitals becomes inflamed – it is red in color and the genitals are swollen. Despite the characteristic symptoms, the doctor orders a microbiological examination of the vaginal discharge to determine the type of fungus. Different species are sensitive to different medications. This is also the reason why fungal infections often recur after treatment. The treatment of candidal colpitis is not only related to the relief of the condition and the elimination of the fungus for the time being. Treatment should be aimed at preventing recurrence, which occurs in 15% of women. Complaints when applying treatment can be interrupted for a period of several days to several months. That is why it is important to focus efforts on removing the predisposing factors of the disease. Treatment of the sexual partner, according to many specialists, is not imperative unless complaints similar to those of women are present. Treatment is carried out with specialized antifungal preparations, taking into account the type and appearance of the fungus, diseases of other organs and systems, and other factors. Tablets or vaginal globules may be prescribed. Modern medications are now available, the intake of one or two tablets of which cures the existing fungal infection.

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