Sexually transmitted infection – the most important thing for women

Sexually transmitted infection – the most important thing for women

1. What are the usual signs of a sexually transmitted infection in a woman? In most cases, sexually transmitted infections in women are asymptomatic. Therefore, women often suffer from chronic genital infections that they did not suspect or do not suspect. However, with an additional genital infection, the characteristic symptoms that bring women to the obstetrician’s office are already manifested. Vulvovaginitis is an example of such a development. It is usually due to an asymptomatic infection with ureaplasma, mycoplasma, candida and other sexually transmitted infections. The appearance of an asymptomatic infection can also be provoked by another disease, stress, decreased immunity, pregnancy… There are also infections that appear soon after infection. Such an example is bacterial vaginosis due to gardnerella, the specific feature of which is the presence of an abundant vaginal discharge with a fishy smell. Regardless of the case, the most characteristic symptoms of a female genital infection are: tingling, itching, discomfort, white discharge, unpleasant sensations when urinating, unpleasant sensations and pain during intercourse, pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. A female genital infection can also be suggested by bleeding between periods, painful menstruation, its delay or earlier onset. 2. When does vaginal discharge indicate the presence of an infection? Vaginal discharge is not a sufficient indicator to determine the presence of an infection. It should normally be present as it provides comfort during sex, as well as providing a certain barrier against microorganisms. Abundant discharge is also not an accurate sign and is a subjective indicator. A heavy discharge, for example, can be due to the onset of ovulation, and in some women it is due to higher, but normal, levels of estrogen. Infection can be suspected at the appearance of a non-specific smell and/or a non-specific change in its color – yellowish, grayish, greenish, brownish. Otherwise, it is normal for it to change its color from transparent to whitish and its consistency according to the period of the menstrual cycle. After ovulation, it usually becomes whitish and more sticky, during ovulation it is slimy and transparent. Before her, scarcer. If, according to the woman, the unusual vaginal discharge is accompanied by other complaints such as itching, discomfort during sexual intercourse, etc., an examination by a specialist and tests should be carried out. It is possible for a sexually transmitted infection to show the exact opposite sign – to have dryness in the vagina. Usually, women do not pay attention to this symptom and seek a doctor’s opinion after a while or in case of discomfort during sex. Vaginal dryness is usually an indicator of a chronic sexually transmitted infection when it is not due to another problem (pathologically low estrogen levels or menopause). In this case, again, the additional signs, such as color and smell, different from the usual ones, can lead the woman to think about an ongoing vaginal infection and a necessary examination by a specialist. It is the most recommendedwhich can be done, as late treatment of vaginal infections leads to more serious and unpleasant complications. 3. What complications can untreated or late treated vaginal infection lead to? In the absence of treatment, the infection “climbs” up, enters the uterus, and the inflammatory process covers its outgrowths – the fallopian tubes and ovaries (andnexitis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis). Then an elevated temperature and a feeling of general fatigue develop. NEWS_MORE_BOX The insidious thing about these kinds of infections is that they usually lead to adhesions. Untreated chlamydial infection has such consequences. Adhesions can involve the pelvic organs. This causes constant pain in the lower abdomen and is one of the main causes of infertility in women. The presence of adhesions in the tubes can also cause an ectopic pregnancy, which is a particularly risky problem and can be life-threatening. Other chronic infections that are not detected in time, but pregnancy has occurred, can become the cause of spontaneous loss of the fetus or premature birth. Such are ureaplasma and mycoplasma. 4. Can we consider ourselves completely protected with safe sex and good prevention? The truth is that no prophylactic method gives a 100% guarantee of protection against a sexually transmitted disease. Infection can occur even with the use of a condom, which remains a risk of transmission of papillomaviruses and genital herpes. In all cases, regular visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist and conducting the necessary tests are beneficial for women’s health. For a sexually active woman, such examinations should be scheduled 1-2 times a year. For the rest, preventive examinations once every two years are useful. 5. What are the mandatory procedures that are carried out during an examination? An examination of the genitals, a manual examination and collection of secretions for microbiological examination are carried out. It is recommended that the laboratory test for the detection of infectious agents be done by the polymerase chain reaction method, which is considered more sensitive, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is also carried out when registering bacteria. It’s a good idea to get tested for strains of human papillomavirus and chlamydia. At the doctor’s discretion, tests for myco- and ureaplasma, as well as TORCH screening, which includes a test for the presence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, rubella, toxoplasmosis, may be prescribed. The latter is desirable when planning a pregnancy. Treatment depends on the type of infection and the disease. It is mandatory to conduct a control test after the course of treatment to confirm its results.enters the uterus and the inflammatory process covers its outgrowths – the fallopian tubes and ovaries (andnexitis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis). Then an elevated temperature and a feeling of general fatigue develop. NEWS_MORE_BOX The insidious thing about these kinds of infections is that they usually lead to adhesions. Untreated chlamydial infection has such consequences. Adhesions can involve the pelvic organs. This causes constant pain in the lower abdomen and is one of the main causes of infertility in women. The presence of adhesions in the tubes can also cause an ectopic pregnancy, which is a particularly risky problem and can be life-threatening. Other chronic infections that are not detected in time, but pregnancy has occurred, can become the cause of spontaneous loss of the fetus or premature birth. Such are ureaplasma and mycoplasma. 4. Can we consider ourselves completely protected with safe sex and good prevention? The truth is that no prophylactic method gives a 100% guarantee of protection against a sexually transmitted disease. Infection can occur even with the use of a condom, which remains a risk of transmission of papillomaviruses and genital herpes. In all cases, regular visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist and conducting the necessary tests are beneficial for women’s health. For a sexually active woman, such examinations should be scheduled 1-2 times a year. For the rest, preventive examinations once every two years are useful. 5. What are the mandatory procedures that are carried out during an examination? An examination of the genitals, a manual examination and collection of secretions for microbiological examination are carried out. It is recommended that the laboratory test for the detection of infectious agents be done by the polymerase chain reaction method, which is considered more sensitive, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is also carried out when registering bacteria. It’s a good idea to get tested for strains of human papillomavirus and chlamydia. At the doctor’s discretion, tests for myco- and ureaplasma, as well as TORCH screening, which includes a test for the presence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, rubella, toxoplasmosis, may be prescribed. The latter is desirable when planning a pregnancy. Treatment depends on the type of infection and the disease. It is mandatory to conduct a control test after the course of treatment to confirm its results.enters the uterus and the inflammatory process covers its outgrowths – the fallopian tubes and ovaries (andnexitis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis). Then an elevated temperature and a feeling of general fatigue develop. NEWS_MORE_BOX The insidious thing about these kinds of infections is that they usually lead to adhesions. Untreated chlamydial infection has such consequences. Adhesions can involve the pelvic organs. This causes constant pain in the lower abdomen and is one of the main causes of infertility in women. The presence of adhesions in the tubes can also cause an ectopic pregnancy, which is a particularly risky problem and can be life-threatening. Other chronic infections that are not detected in time, but pregnancy has occurred, can become the cause of spontaneous loss of the fetus or premature birth. Such are ureaplasma and mycoplasma. 4. Can we consider ourselves completely protected with safe sex and good prevention? The truth is that no prophylactic method gives a 100% guarantee of protection against a sexually transmitted disease. Infection can occur even with the use of a condom, which remains a risk of transmission of papillomaviruses and genital herpes. In all cases, regular visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist and conducting the necessary tests are beneficial for women’s health. For a sexually active woman, such examinations should be scheduled 1-2 times a year. For the rest, preventive examinations once every two years are beneficial. 5. What are the mandatory procedures that are carried out during an examination? An examination of the genitals, a manual examination and collection of secretions for microbiological examination are carried out. It is recommended that the laboratory test for the detection of infectious agents be done by the polymerase chain reaction method, which is considered more sensitive, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is also carried out when registering bacteria. It’s a good idea to get tested for strains of human papillomavirus and chlamydia. At the doctor’s discretion, tests for myco- and ureaplasma, as well as TORCH screening, which includes a test for the presence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, rubella, toxoplasmosis, may be prescribed. The latter is desirable when planning a pregnancy. Treatment depends on the type of infection and the disease. It is mandatory to conduct a control test after the course of treatment to confirm its results.The presence of adhesions in the tubes can also cause an ectopic pregnancy, which is a particularly risky problem and can be life-threatening. Other chronic infections that are not detected in time, but pregnancy has occurred, can become the cause of spontaneous loss of the fetus or premature birth. Such are ureaplasma and mycoplasma. 4. Can we consider ourselves completely protected with safe sex and good prevention? The truth is that no prophylactic method gives a 100% guarantee of protection against a sexually transmitted disease. Infection can occur even with the use of a condom, which remains a risk of transmission of papillomaviruses and genital herpes. In all cases, regular visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist and conducting the necessary tests are beneficial for women’s health. For a sexually active woman, such examinations should be scheduled 1-2 times a year. For the rest, preventive examinations once every two years are useful. 5. What are the mandatory procedures that are carried out during an examination? An examination of the genitals, a manual examination and collection of secretions for microbiological examination are carried out. It is recommended that the laboratory test for the detection of infectious agents be done by the polymerase chain reaction method, which is considered more sensitive, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is also carried out when registering bacteria. It’s a good idea to get tested for strains of human papillomavirus and chlamydia. At the doctor’s discretion, tests for myco- and ureaplasma, as well as TORCH screening, which includes a test for the presence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, rubella, toxoplasmosis, may be prescribed. The latter is desirable when planning a pregnancy. Treatment depends on the type of infection and the disease. It is mandatory to conduct a control test after the course of treatment to confirm its results.The presence of adhesions in the tubes can also cause an ectopic pregnancy, which is a particularly risky problem and can be life-threatening. Other chronic infections that are not detected in time, but pregnancy has occurred, can become the cause of spontaneous loss of the fetus or premature birth. Such are ureaplasma and mycoplasma. 4. Can we consider ourselves completely protected with safe sex and good prevention? The truth is that no prophylactic method gives a 100% guarantee of protection against a sexually transmitted disease. Infection can occur even with the use of a condom, which remains a risk of transmission of papillomaviruses and genital herpes. In all cases, regular visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist and conducting the necessary tests are beneficial for women’s health. For a sexually active woman, such examinations should be scheduled 1-2 times a year. For the rest, preventive examinations once every two years are beneficial. 5. What are the mandatory procedures that are carried out during an examination? An examination of the genitals, a manual examination and collection of secretions for microbiological examination are carried out. It is recommended that the laboratory test for the detection of infectious agents be done by the polymerase chain reaction method, which is considered more sensitive, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is also carried out when registering bacteria. It’s a good idea to get tested for strains of human papillomavirus and chlamydia. At the doctor’s discretion, tests for myco- and ureaplasma, as well as TORCH screening, which includes a test for the presence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, rubella, toxoplasmosis, may be prescribed. The latter is desirable when planning a pregnancy. Treatment depends on the type of infection and the disease. It is mandatory to conduct a control test after the course of treatment to confirm its results.manual examination and collection of secretions for microbiological examination. It is recommended that the laboratory test for the detection of infectious agents be done by the polymerase chain reaction method, which is considered more sensitive, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is also carried out when registering bacteria. It’s a good idea to get tested for strains of human papillomavirus and chlamydia. At the doctor’s discretion, tests for myco- and ureaplasma, as well as TORCH screening, which includes a test for the presence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, rubella, toxoplasmosis, may be prescribed. The latter is desirable when planning a pregnancy. Treatment depends on the type of infection and the disease. It is mandatory to conduct a control test after the course of treatment to confirm its results.manual examination and collection of secretions for microbiological examination. It is recommended that the laboratory test for the detection of infectious agents be done by the polymerase chain reaction method, which is considered more sensitive, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is also carried out when registering bacteria. It’s a good idea to get tested for strains of human papillomavirus and chlamydia. At the doctor’s discretion, tests for myco- and ureaplasma, as well as TORCH screening, which includes a test for the presence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, rubella, toxoplasmosis, may be prescribed. The latter is desirable when planning a pregnancy. Treatment depends on the type of infection and the disease. It is mandatory to conduct a control test after the course of treatment to confirm its results.

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