Trichomoniasis – a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection

Trichomoniasis – a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection

Trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection that spreads mainly sexually. The parasite that causes the disease is vaginal trichomonas or Trichomonas vaginalis. It can also be caught from public toilets, seats in changing rooms and public bathrooms, as well as improper use of tampons during menstrual bleeding or soiled underwear. The infection itself poses no particular health risks, but it is highly contagious during sexual contact between partners. In the greater percentage of patients, trichomonas infection proceeds without the appearance of particular symptoms, which makes it extremely difficult to diagnose. The only and most common debut symptom is urinary disturbances, which can be etiologically determined in many ways. The symptoms characterizing the disease itself are very specific and are different for both sexes. Women, as the more often afflicted sex, often experience symptoms of discomfort when urinating. These symptoms may increase after intercourse, during urination, during or after menstruation, or during pregnancy. Complaints can date from a few days to a few months before a more pronounced clinical symptomatology occurs, which would point to the right form of treatment. In women, the organs that can be affected by infection with these parasites are the vagina, cervix, urethra, bladder and some glands of the genital system involved in the production of a secretion with a moisturizing effect during intercourse or having a protective function against disease-causing pathogens that have entered the vagina. The disease in women can manifest itself with clinical evidence of pathological discharge from the vagina and urinary tract. Most often, it can have a yellow-greenish color. Other common symptoms are the appearance of itching and irritation in the area of ​​the external genitalia. Pain in the lower abdominal floor and during sexual intercourse, and in some rare cases, metrorrhagia, that is, vaginal bleeding that is not related to menstruation, may also be registered. In men, generally speaking, the infection can be completely asymptomatic with the only subjective sensations of slight discomfort when urinating. In them, the infection can affect the urethra, bladder, prostate gland, seminal vesicles and epididymis. The inflammation of the supratesticular duct – epididymis is particularly dangerous and has rapidly progressing symptoms. The disease is called epididymitis and carries a particularly high risk of permanent sterility in men, as it is the only way to get sperm from the testicles to the vas deferens and ejaculate. Trichomoniasis prefers alkaline environments. In an acidic environment, it does not thrive and dies quickly. Women are more prone to infection, especially with vaginal douches, during pregnancy or oral contraception. All of the listed factors have an alkalizing effect in the vagina. NEWS_MORE_BOX Antibiotics are used in the treatment.In the more complicated forms, higher doses are applied for a longer time, but in the order of a single course, due to the risk of vaginal dysbacteriosis occurring on the vaginal mucosa. In the treatment, some Chinese herbs such as sand gentian, Chinese foxglove and angelica root may be prescribed by the doctor for oral administration. Calendula, myrrh and thuja are also applied in the form of daily baths. The main prevention advice for this disease is to practice protected sexual contact with the use of condoms. People are also advised to limit the use of shared towels and shared underwear. After swimming in public pools, it is highly recommended to apply a good bath and wash with antiseptic agents in the genitourinary area. Other very important tips for prevention is to apply a very good antiseptic treatment of the groin with a decoction of tetra or sumac or a solution of potassium permanganate after every sexual intercourse, especially with an unknown partner.

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