Why is same-sex sex more risky than heterosexual?

Why is same-sex sex more risky than heterosexual?

A new study by the American Sociological Association (ASA) indicates that the health status of homosexual partners is much lower than that of heterosexual couples. In the past, various studies have shown that the health of married couples is better than that of cohabiting couples. Today, people’s views and relationships span far wider boundaries that include a variety of contacts and interests. The new study, carried out by the ASA, aims to look at all possible peer groups. It included 1,659 male homosexual couples and 1,639 same-sex female couples. Apart from them, heterosexual couples with and without marriage also participated in the study. In order to obtain the most reliable results possible, the scientific team selects volunteers of different ethnicities, ages, nationalities and having diverse professions and interests. Results show that partners in same-sex couples suffer from more diseases, compared to those who have a heterosexual orientation. According to the scientists, these results are explained by the greater stress to which homosexual couples are exposed, due to their difficult perception by society. They are still a minority, and many of them are afraid to freely express their sexual preferences. An additional factor is the ban on same-sex marriages in a number of countries, which largely violates equality between people. NEWS_MORE_BOX Another conclusion drawn from the research is that married couples have a better health profile compared to those who live together without marriage, as well as those who are widowed or not in a serious relationship. These data are explained by the experts with the greater stability that marriage provides, from the point of view of the attitude of the partners. The differences recorded by this study are mostly explained by the influence that society exerts through its opinion and attitude.

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