9 facts about yeast infections

9 facts about yeast infections

75% of women experience a yeast infection at least once in their life, and 45% suffer from it twice or more. Vaginal yeast infection is the second most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge. The first belongs to bacterial vaginosis. Fungi develops almost every pregnant woman, which is due to the change in the vaginal environment. Vaginal secretions become richer in sugar, which feeds these unpleasant microorganisms. About 5% of women with vaginal yeast infections develop chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis. This is said to be the case when complaints of a fungal infection are repeated four or more times a year. Most women have no other underlying medical condition that predisposes them to frequent yeast infections. The use of a douche should be avoided, as this procedure disturbs the balance of the vaginal microflora, as a result of which local immunity is lost. It is possible that the yeast infection will go away on its own. But there is always a risk that an untreated infection can become complicated and lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. Usually, in the case of a fungal infection, it is not necessary to treat both partners at the same time. It cannot be said with certainty that yeast infections are necessarily sexually transmitted. Treatment for the partner is required if he has certain symptoms such as redness, inflammation and itching of the penis – candidal balanitis is present. An antifungal cream or ointment for topical application is prescribed. NEWS_MORE_BOX Drug treatment clears vaginal yeast infection in 80 to 90% of cases within two weeks, most often within a few days. The use of antibiotics kills the beneficial lactobacilli, which are part of the vaginal beneficial microflora, during which conditionally pathogenic microorganisms gain strength. That is why the intake of antibiotics should only be according to a doctor’s prescription, the dosage and duration of intake should be observed. If you are prone to fungal infections, your doctor may prescribe a remedy to support immunity. Remember that it is normal to have a vaginal discharge. It is important to recognize its characteristics. In a healthy organism, it is clean or slightly white, odorless and does not cause irritation. The characteristics of vaginal discharge change according to the time of the menstrual cycle, for example, it is clearer in the first half of the monthly cycle, and after ovulation it becomes thick and sticky. Learn to recognize the various common signs of vaginal discharge. This will help to detect infections at their very beginning and thus help to control them more quickly.

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