Sex and sport – why are they interconnected?

Sex and sport – why are they interconnected?

In order for a pleasure to be as scorching as possible and to escalate the tension in the soft sheets, sexology specialists recommend several types of training to predispose the body to great endurance and full surrender to passion, desire and pleasure. To put it bluntly – sex needs a good athletic form. Both bodies in complete sync, energy, desire and immense passion for her absorption and surrender. 1. The truth about sex and sports… Exercise increases the desire for sex in an average of 60% of women. Prolonged exercise has been proven to make male lovers real marathoners in bed sports. Scientists have proven that 90 minutes after training, the desire for sex escalates tremendously, due to increased blood flow to the genitals and hormonal production in the body. Regular training and the desire for sex are in a reciprocal relationship. American scientists believe that the sofa can be used for other purposes besides watching a movie or a TV show. Put your hands on the first fitness machine in the gym and feel the rush of energy. Start a new journey in the jungle of really good sex. The relationship between sex and sports has been proven by American scientists who studied more than 1,000 women between the ages of 18 and 45. The tested women joined the program with regular aerobics, running, cycling, stair climbing and yoga. Ultimately, the results show that 60% of the ladies tested improved their sex life and increased their sexual desire. Scientific sexologists have proven that a greater percentage of problems in women’s sex lives come from not liking their bodies. The feeling makes them suppress their self-esteem, which affects their sex life tremendously. Here comes the role of positive thinking and jogging. The fight against excess weight or a stagnant lifestyle, as well as an improved physique, significantly reduce stress hormones in the bloodstream and open the human senses, which is a prerequisite for a better future under the covers. NEWS_MORE_BOX 2. Which sports are suitable? Above all, these are the pleasure-enhancing sport categories – cycling, walking, stair climbing, boating, aerobics, dancing and yoga. Scientists advise to practice at most three times a week, for one hour, with a high intensity. The reason is that in this way the body is protected from “overtraining” – that is, overtiredness as a result of too much sports. This is the next reason that most often worsens the sex life of ladies and gentlemen. Physical activity increases hormone production, which awakens the desire for sex. Exercising equally in men and women stimulates the production of testosterone, which is directly proportional to the desire for sex. Regular and healthy sports increase the levels of natural endorphins – hormones of happiness.Overtraining exhausts the body and destroys the production of endorphins in the body, which is a prerequisite for depression and reduced libido. A hitherto unknown side effect of training is the release of volatile substances of attraction. Have you noticed the significant interest in you when you are active in sports? Sweat contains pheromones – aromatic substances that have an arousing effect on the opposite sex. People who do not want to sexually “retire” should exercise regularly. This makes them subjects of eroticism until old age. Three times a week, endurance sports – cycling, boating and hiking in the mountains chase away problems in the sexual aspect. 3. Relief from stress Stress, unhealthy diet and lifestyle literally kill the libido. The best way to get rid of daily stress is long, quality and healthy sex accompanied by portions of healthy food every day! People have been talking about the fulfilling way of life for a long time. It is the most important harmony in soul and body. Sex itself is an extremely good workout that keeps body and soul in sync. Through it, the body destroys its excess calories, trains the heart and helps to maintain balance inside the body.

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