4 sex misconceptions about men

4 sex misconceptions about men

There are many myths about the male body related to sex. Which of them and to what extent can we trust them?! Here are 4 examples… 1. Men with big feet have bigger penises It is absolutely true that the growth of the toes and the penis, as well as the clitoris, depends on the same gene, but the length of one does not necessarily indicate the length on the other. In a study involving 3,000 men, no relationship was found between the size of the feet and the penis. In fact, the male sexual capacity cannot be guessed at all by any initially apparent measure. A 2002 study looking for a link between lengths unequivocally proves that any such correlations are false in erection. 2. Men thought about sex every 7 seconds This is the most serious myth related to male sexuality. An American study shows that men not only do not constantly think about sex, but also that almost half of them have naughty thoughts only once a day, and for some only a few times a week, even a month! NEWS_MORE_BOX 3. Married men have less sex Another popular falsehood is that married men use their bedrooms to sleep and rarely enjoy caresses, while bachelors actually have sex lives. Yes, but a 2006 study by the US National Center for Public Opinion Research debunks this notion. Married men have been found to enjoy 28% to 400% more sex than bachelors, depending on their age. Not only women experience orgasm more often in the marital bed, but also men. In addition, they enjoy oral love more often. 4. Semen is… caloric Semen contains water and ingredients such as vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. So does fructose and about 6 kcal per ejaculate, according to a study by Indiana University…

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