Suppressed libido in women – what is it due to?

Suppressed libido in women – what is it due to?

In women, a sexual problem is understood as weak or no interest in intimate contact, failure to achieve arousal and orgasm. Not a few women describe painful coitus as such. Almost every woman has at some point in her life suffered from a certain sexual problem, but it usually goes away. In other cases, however, left unresolved, it can reflect on the self-esteem of the woman, her partner, on the intimate relationship and even other spheres of life such as friendships, at work, relations with parents, etc. For different people, sexuality has its dimensions, some are more – active and cannot go a day without sex, for others it is normal to indulge in caresses once a week. Some find it more difficult to adjust to sex, for others it is an essential necessity, some get excited just at the thought of intercourse, others… The attitude towards sex, and hence the libido, depend on the stages of life in which we are. For example, it is normal for young parents with a baby to react negatively to the word sex – weakened by insomnia, they hardly feel like “bedside romance”. With aging, due to the decline in the levels of sex hormones, the libido changes in a downward direction. The other is sought less and less at night and in case of a long relationship, monotony, lack of feelings and a number of similar reasons. Naturally, all these notes apply to both women and men. However, female sexuality is very different from male sexuality. It’s more complicated, but also more interesting, right?! In order for a woman to feel predisposed, inclined to give herself, she must feel, if not feel, then at least positive emotions towards her partner, to have him as close. And this is not enough, because even if she is madly in love, in order to feel the thrill of desire, there will have to be time for physical contact between the two partners. A woman’s body requires a little more time for irritation signals to reach the brain and vice versa, to supply blood to the organs, unlock secretions, etc. If there are any emotional inhibitions, even problems at work, it will be difficult for a woman to “switch” to a wave of sex. The same applies if he experiences any purely physical ailments, even more so, pain. NEWS_MORE_BOX Most often, a woman refuses sex or does not give herself completely for the same reasons why we are not excellent at work, our relationships with loved ones are not fulfilling – such as prolonged stress, depression, anxiety. A common reason for avoiding sexual contact is concern about appearance, if a woman is focused on the imperfections of her body, finds it unattractive, then her concern will take away the opportunity to relax and experience, not only orgasm, but also arousal. Especially carefully the intimate act should be approached with women who are victims of violence, and unfortunately, such examples are not few even these days. Marriage is also no guarantee that the legal spouse has not used undesirable methods to satisfy their personal urges, on the contrary. Continued on next page

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