Pheromones – how they work for us

Pheromones – how they work for us

Pheromones are chemical substances released in the body of animals and humans, through which representatives of two opposite sexes are attracted. Pheromones work on a subconscious level. They are secreted by glands located in the armpits and genitals. Pheromones practically do not have a smell, but they act on the receptors of the vomeronasal organ located in the nasal cavity, and from there it affects structures in the hypothalamus responsible for sexual desire, emotions, etc. Phylogenetically, it is much older than the cerebral cortex, and this is the reason why much of the information perceived through the nose is processed and analyzed at a subconscious level. A study done in the USA proves that even artificially produced pheromones have an impact on people’s behavior. Scientists from San Francisco State University tested the effects of synthetic pheromones on women of different ethnicities and ages. NEWS_MORE_BOX Single women had significantly more encounters with members of the stronger sex During social contacts, half of the participants were put on perfume mixed with pheromones, and the other women presented themselves without them. Only scientists knew which woman belonged to which group. During the experiment, the participants kept a diary. Information about how often they kissed, whether their partner hugged them during sleep and how often they had sex was important. The result is unequivocal: 74% of women who had pheromones in their perfume were kissed more often and for longer, their partner was much more affectionate and they had sex 6 times more often than without the special perfume . Of the ladies who only used their usual perfume, only 23% described changes in their sex life. Despite the application of synthetic pheromones, it is good to clarify that each person can control his actions, even if tempting aromas reach his nose.

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