Intimate hygiene in women – the most common mistakes

Intimate hygiene in women – the most common mistakes

Women’s desire for optimal cleanliness and health in the area of ​​the intimate area leads to too frequent washing and the use of various products designed to ensure maximum comfort. However, do these methods and any modern means of dealing with an unpleasant feeling of dampness and bad odor have a positive effect and have the desired effect? 1. Skin The skin is the largest organ of the body and its function is related to protecting it from pathogenic microorganisms. It protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and from water loss. The skin serves to insulate the body from cold, heat, radiation, various allergens and pollutants. The covering tissue of the body consists of: epidermis – the most superficial layer of the skin, consists of a multilayered flat squamous epithelium; dermis – contains connective tissue, blood vessels, nerve fibers, sweat and sebaceous glands; hypodermis – is made of fatty tissue. In order to perform its functions, the skin has a characteristic structure and chemical composition that must not be disturbed. In different areas of the body, the thickness and moisture of the covering tissue is different. Thus, in the area of ​​the external genitalia, the skin is delicate and the epidermis can easily be damaged by frequent and aggressive washing. The skin has a hydro-lipid layer that contains a specific mixture of sweat and sebum. It has a pH of about 5.5. When this film is regularly washed off, the skin becomes drier and more susceptible to injury and, accordingly, to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms that cause skin irritations, inflammatory reactions and allergies. Proper skin care supports its barrier function and is an important part of intimate hygiene. A major mistake that women make is too frequent washing of the delicate area, as well as the use of preparations that disturb the natural slightly acidic environment on the surface of the skin. NEWS_MORE_BOX Another reason for the appearance of irritation is the use of hard toilet paper, as well as mistakes in shaping an intimate hairstyle. One should not forget the good disinfection of this delicate area after carrying out manipulations accompanied by disruption of the skin surface, which can be a “doorway” for the entry of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Characteristic symptoms associated with excessively aggressive hygiene of the external genitalia are: itching, pain, burning. 2. Vagina The vagina (vagina) is a tubular organ made of muscles, which is covered with a multilayered flat neuroprotective epithelium. It connects the external genitalia to the uterus. Its main function is related to sexual intercourse. More than 50 microorganisms can be isolated from vaginal secretions, which inhabit this area and form the natural microflora. The most important among them are the lactic acid bacteria of Döderlein. They take care of ensuring the high acidity in the vagina – pH 3.8. It is essential to maintain such values,because the acidic reaction of the vaginal contents is the main defense against the reproduction and development of the pathogenic microflora and its entry into the upper parts of the genital tract in women. The main mistakes made in performing intimate hygiene are related to the use of soaps, shower gels and other detergents that have an alkalizing effect. Another major mistake is performing vaginal washes without being specifically prescribed by a doctor.

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