What are the unknown erogenous zones in women?

What are the unknown erogenous zones in women?

When it comes to erogenous zones, we always think of a few that are well known to everyone. In women, the main and most sensitive area is the clitoris, while in men it is the penis. It has been found that ladies are more favored in this regard as they have more delicate skin areas that could arouse their sexual desire. It turns out that a woman has a lot more sensitive areas on her body than we think. What exactly are these special points to which, if we pay enough attention, we could significantly diversify our love life? 1. The Hill of Venus For many women and their sexual partners, the clitoris is an indisputable guarantor of orgasm. Little known to people, however, is that a few millimeters up lies a highly underrated erogenous zone that promises ultimate pleasure to those who know it. Mons pubis covers the pubic bone and also concentrates a large number of nerve endings, the stimulation of which causes an increase in sexual arousal. 2. Abdomen Unbelievable, but true: some ladies can reach peak pleasure with certain movements of the abdominal muscles. Unfortunately, these exercises could not be mastered during training in the gym, but experts in the field claim that a certain amount of abdominal muscle activity in the bedroom can lift our mood and lead to desired results faster. 3. The lips There is no doubt that a passionate kiss rarely stays just one. Lips belong to the most sensitive places on the human body. Just pay attention to the slight tingling that you feel with a long kiss. This is due to the change in the serum levels of some hormones, which is associated with a subsequent acceleration of heart activity. NEWS_MORE_BOX 4. The head And more precisely, the scalp! The pleasure that massage gives us during regular visits to the hairdresser is due to the numerous nerve endings that are located on the surface of the scalp. In this way, we not only get rid of stress, but also stimulate blood circulation in this area of ​​the body. Another reason for the pleasant sensations when massaging the scalp is the release of hormones of happiness – dopamine and serotonin. We should also pay special attention to the neck, which is an important part of the anatomy of pleasure – light touches and gentle kisses could cause wonderful experiences for both partners. 5. Knees You may have never guessed, right, but let’s think – how many people have tickles in the knee area. A light touch of this much underestimated erogenous zone could improve our mood very quickly. This is a must try. 6. Feet Who doesn’t love a nice and relaxing foot massage after a long and stressful day. Not only does it help make our vacation more enjoyable, but it turns out,that it also works very arousing. People who are familiar with the ancient teaching of massaging the reflex zones in the shoulder area know that stimulating certain points could very successfully activate our partner’s sexual desire. Whatever we have in mind for the evening, these tips are sure to come in handy as we try to please both our partner and ourselves. And if we are not at the stage of a serious relationship, we have a great way to impress the other party while, of course, we do not forget about the precautions that we must take in such cases.

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